Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it.

I have a MiFi because I travel a lot to different states.  I have only gotten 4G service in one place, the middle of the Arizona desert.  I did not get 4G right in the middle of Phoenix.  And I did not get it in San Francisco or Sacramento.  When I got the MiFi I was told that they had service in almost all of the US.  From all the discussions here I see that this is not the case.  I have been told three times in the last year that it was almost ready in my home town.  Still no 4G and sometimes no 3G.  Also, I am paying for my internet to warn me and shut off if I get close to my 5 gig limit.  One month I was charged $200.00 extra for the 20 gig I supposedly used.  Funny thing, someone must have broke into my home and used my internet while I was at my husband's funeral.  It showed being used all that day.

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5 Replies
Champion - Level 1

4G LTE is not everywhere.  Someday that will be the case, but we are far from that reality.  Check the Verizon Coverage Map to see if you are in a supported 4G LTE service area or not.

VZW Coverage Map:


Verizon does not have a service that automatically stops or shuts down when you hit your limit (exception being the prepaid plans and devices).  All that VZW will do is attempt to contact you with email warnings when you are approaching your limit.  It is up to you to manage your plan and your data consumption habits.


from your email to me “Verizon does not have a service that automatically stops or shuts down when you hit your limit (exception being the prepaid plans and devices). All that VZW will do is attempt to contact you with email warnings when you are approaching your limit. It is up to you to manage your plan and your data consumption habits” If that is the case, than what have I done on the print screen above?  It certainly looks like this kind of service and when I have spoke with your employees no one can understand why it shows I use up to 25 gig of data a month when I only had the box for about three weeks and never watch movies, download music, etc.  When I looked at when I was using service, strange thing was that someone was using service from my mifi while I was at my husband’s funeral.  So now there is only myself, checking emails, reading news, and checking weather.


From: John 

Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 2:36 PM

To: Sarah 

Subject: Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it. - Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it.



           Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it.

            created by John  in 4G LTE - View the full discussion

>Personal info removed from post and attachment deleted as it showed the subscribers phone number<

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator, Happy New Year

Champion - Level 1

Please do not use email to respond to forum postings.  The results get mangled by the auto correct and make it hard to read.  Instead, navigate back to the original thread and post your responses directly to the forum.

There is no print screen attached to your thread so I cannot comment on that.  Try to post an update for us by inserting the screenshot as an image. 

It sounds to me like your MiFi has been compromised by another person.  I'd start by restoring the defaults to wipe out your current settings.  After that, make sure your device is secured by changing the wireless password and enable WPA2 security.  You can go a level further and enable a MAC filter to ensure no one is connecting who should not be.  The last line of defense is to power down your MiFi when it is not in use.  Put a stop to the malicous use of your MiFi and you should see your data plan come back down into a realistic and manageable area.

Your thread:



From the problems I have had and all the many others that I see on your site who have had the same problems I am smart enough to figure out that the problem is on your side, not with my WIFI. My WIFI has not been compromised and no one else has the password that was supplied by Verizon when I received the MIFI. I will just wait until my contract runs out and change companies.  I have spent way too many hours on the phone with Verizon employees who contradict each other, and you don’t even know that you can go to the Verizon site and set the MIFI to stop service when you hit the 5 gig.  Neither you or other employees know what you are talking about when you suggest what to do, you are just trying to stop people from complaining about not having 4G service even in large cities which I was told was nationwide, and when customers complain about being charged for ridiculous amounts of data when it is not possible.


Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2013 7:00 AM


Subject: Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it. - Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it.



           Re: Where is 4G at, I have yet to find it.

            created by in 4G LTE - View the full discussion

>Personal info deleted<

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator


i'm all over phoenix every day and have LTE everywhere i go (LTE phone), all day. not sure why your mifi doesn't pick it up, but phoenix is definitely covered and has been for 2 years.
