WooHoo, Fedex just dropped off my new SIM card,
Contributor - Level 1

All is well in Verizon land ?    FedEx just dropped off my new SIM card after 26 days of constant aggravation ?

After 1 1/2 hours on hold with VZW Customer service, Trying to activate my new SIM card,  it's going to work !

GUESS NOT,    It's worse than it was before,  I can barely keep a 3G signal, and I can't force it to go to 4G only like before ?

4G only mode = No service

Auto = 3G, 1X,   No data available at his time

Been on hold since 7:30 pm,   I'm sure You are closed now ?

Can I put my old SIM card back in ?,   at least I had 3G with the old one ?

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I would have just walked into a Verizon Wireless Corporate Store.

Have them put it in the device, activate it properly and have them insure its functioning properly.

The store actually has them right there so you could have saved yourself a load of aggrivation

Good Luck

Contributor - Level 1

I have tried my local VZW corporate store several times, they will not help me, they only hand out the Customer service phone number,   That's how I ended up getting one shipped to me,  ( Plus, the one time I was able to complete a call, I got a rep. that was willing to help )

Today,  as a long shot, I took both of my 4G devices with me to a different VZW corporate store, (about 30 miles from the one near my home)      Another HUGE waste of time,    Both devices have good signal in the store, I tried to explain my issues while using them anywhere other than in a VZW store, and I got the same line of B.S.      Call customer support @ 1-800-922-0204

Something that is very hard to do from my home, without a land line.

So, I'm here again,    

No 4g service,            3G  - 2 bars, @ -83dbm,   with the Network extender / amplifier on

Speedtest.net  shows     135 ping,   104 Download / .069 upload

Trying to call customer service,     I get about halfway through the prompts, then my call gets dropped,    I did manage to enter my last 4 one time, but that's it.
