Cheapest way to check Email
Enthusiast - Level 2

I have Verizon's prepaid plan, $0 a day, 25 cents a min. I'd like to be able to check my email (My phone is capable of it). I see a few ways to do it. I can pay 99 cents a day, but that's not really idea. What would be the cheapest way? I've talked to a CSR and they mentioned something about a $5 a month plan, but I can't seem to find that anywhere.

If it matters, my email is with Gmail, and I have NO intentions of switching.

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1 Solution
Community Leader
Community Leader
A couple of questions and then a suggestion that MAY (or may not) work for you just want to check email (see what came in)? Or actually respond to the emails?

If you want to read and respond to the emails, then you will need an email app designed for that - Mobile Email is the $5/month Verizon solution for basic phones. I'm not sure if that works with pre-paid phones or not....

However, if all you want is a heads up as to what's waiting in your mailbox, or to be able to read emails and make a quick call or text in response, and you have a texting package, then using gmail to forward the emails as a picture message to is a viable alternative to paying for email. You can even filter which messages get forwarded. I used this for awhile before I got my BB and it worked well enough - I got enough information to know if I needed to call or respond right then, or if it could wait till I got to my computer and could view the email itself.

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3 Replies
Specialist - Level 2

I don't think there is a way to around not paying for the e mail, in order to get your e mail from the computer you would have to dial the phone and you would get charged for that. I think there is a data plan but you would still have to use minutes. You could change the plan to 99 cents and check your e mail just one a week or so than change the plan back to the basic of 25 cents per min. your can change your plan only 4 times within a 30 day period.

Community Leader
Community Leader
A couple of questions and then a suggestion that MAY (or may not) work for you just want to check email (see what came in)? Or actually respond to the emails?

If you want to read and respond to the emails, then you will need an email app designed for that - Mobile Email is the $5/month Verizon solution for basic phones. I'm not sure if that works with pre-paid phones or not....

However, if all you want is a heads up as to what's waiting in your mailbox, or to be able to read emails and make a quick call or text in response, and you have a texting package, then using gmail to forward the emails as a picture message to is a viable alternative to paying for email. You can even filter which messages get forwarded. I used this for awhile before I got my BB and it worked well enough - I got enough information to know if I needed to call or respond right then, or if it could wait till I got to my computer and could view the email itself.
Specialist - Level 2

SuzyQ - Yes the Mobile E mail is available on Daily Prepaid.
