How do others call me while I'm abroad? Are they charged?
Enthusiast - Level 1

Subject says it all. As a US user, what happens when other US users call my ten-digit domestic number? Does it just go through? Are they told they need to dial the number with the country code for where I am? Do they need an international calling plan or will they be billed?

I called the Verizon international customer serivce line and asked, and they said my ten-digit domestic number can be dialed, but they would also be billed if they didn't have an international plan. I'm brining this question here since the Verizon customer service representative didn't sound very sure, and this also doesn't make a lot of sense. If someone calls me that doesn't know I'm out of the country, they could be easily soaked by international calling fees, no? What happens if my child's school tries to call from a landline for emergency purposes etc.?

I assume with Travelpass that if someone manages to call me (per above) the next 24 hr cycle of Travelpass would activate when I answer a call? Not just ring - answer, correct? This is all assuming that I haven't activated Travelpass yet for that day.

Finally I asked the Verizon international customer serivce line how I call another US based cell phone while we're both abroad. I was told to use the country code we're in, but other community posts say to dial like you're calling back to the US. This latter answer makes more sense to me, but can someone with direct experience set the record straight please?

As a friendly suggestion, this really needs to be added to the international FAQs. It's well documented the plans etc. that I would need to call out while travelling abroad, but doesn't mention much that I've found on how incoming calls from friends or family are handled.

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1 Solution
Customer Service Rep

Hello _alphaBeta_! That's a great question. We do apologize for any confusion. Just to confirm, you get charged depending on the number you call. If you call a local US number, regardless if that person is out of the country, it's still considered a local call. The person that gets charged, is the one that's roaming, and they get charged depending on their plan. 



If you have TravelPass, you have 24 hours of unlimited calls, text and data (.5 GB of high speed). To clarify further, this is unlimited calls within the country in where it was activated and back to the US.


You can always use the trip planner to find more details about international usage:  



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5 Replies

When you are travelling in a foreign country and someone from the USA calls you, they just use your regular 10 digit USA number, no country code, and it will go through to you. They do not get charged international long distance and it is just as if you are in the USA. 

If you have not yet activated TravelPass for the 24 hours and you receive a call, it starts the TravelPass when you answer. However, don’t count on that as there are reports that once the voice mail answers, it can trigger TravelPass.  If you don’t have your phone in Airplane mode, it is too easy to trigger a 24 hour travelpass if you are not intending to do that. Assume you will trigger travelpass if you don’t put your phone in airplane mode. 

When someone wants to call you from the USA, they do not dial the international country code you are in, just your regular 10 digit number. For you to call them, you do need to dial the USA country code preceded by the plus sign, I.e.  +1 111 222 3333

Wifi calling when in airplane mode and on wifi will work just like you are in the USA. Calling home is free, people calling you from USA is free, texting is free, and it does not trigger TravelPass. You cannot call in the country you are in when in Wifi calling mode as that will be international long distance. That is a distinct difference than when in TravelPass mode and connected to the foreign cellular tower, as in that situation you can call in the country you are in and back to the USA without long distance charges. 


Customer Service Rep

Hello _alphaBeta_! That's a great question. We do apologize for any confusion. Just to confirm, you get charged depending on the number you call. If you call a local US number, regardless if that person is out of the country, it's still considered a local call. The person that gets charged, is the one that's roaming, and they get charged depending on their plan. 



If you have TravelPass, you have 24 hours of unlimited calls, text and data (.5 GB of high speed). To clarify further, this is unlimited calls within the country in where it was activated and back to the US.


You can always use the trip planner to find more details about international usage:  



My husband and I reside in Maryland but will be visting Jamaica. If we call or text eachother while in Jamaica, will we each have activated a 24-hour cycle of Travelpass?

Thanks for any clarifications!


@designandsing wrote:

My husband and I reside in Maryland but will be visting Jamaica. If we call or text eachother while in Jamaica, will we each have activated a 24-hour cycle of Travelpass?

Thanks for any clarifications!


Customer Service Rep

Hello designandsing,


Jamaica definitely sounds like a wonderful time! I know it's important to stay in touch with friends and family when you're traveling. I can definitely clarify the details for you. Please allow me to explain that when travelling, your charges do depend on where you are physically located when you use your phone. So, if you are in another country, or on a cruise ship, you are using the service of international carriers. To answer your question, TravelPass would be triggered if sending messages to each other, while located in Jamaica.

You're only charged for the days that you use your device in a TravelPass country. A 24-hour TravelPass session starts automatically when you make or receive a phone call, send a text or use data.

If your device has cellular data or data roaming turned on, a TravelPass session can be started by background data, including:

  • App content refreshing (e.g., Weather apps, Fitness Tracker)
  • Syncing (e.g., email)
  • Device or app software updates

2 hours after the session starts we send you a text letting you know when your 24-hour TravelPass session ends. Using your device after that session starts a new session.

Check out the details about TravelPass: 


Please allow me to explain that we offer TravelPass, as well as monthly international plans, and "Pay As You Go" rates. The best option for you would depend on your usage. We have a great video that helps you get prepared for international use. It shows you how to estimate your usage, so you can decide which option is best for you. In addition, it gives you information on what to expect, as well as how to get your device ready for travel. Check it out at the following link, and don't forget to click on the "Trip Planner Tool" link, at the bottom of the page: Please let me know your thoughts, thank you.

