I thought I bought a pre-paid phone not an add-supported one.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I recently upgraded to the Samsung Intensity III after breaking my Intensity II, guess I'll see how "ruggedised" it actually is.

I didn't have this on my old phone so I'm not 100% certain of what it is, browsing through the forum someone mentioned Daily Scoop so I looked into that. Could it be something else?

When I set my phone up for the first time it asked a lot of questions and I found a way to "set this up later" or similar, really Verizon doesn't need to know my favorite flavor of ice-cream. Now my screen is highjacked every now and again by some advertising survey. I thought I bought a pre-paid phone not an add-supported one.

Did I get rid of this by turning all notifications off in Daily Scoop or is this something else? The weather report's kinda nice but I never asked for it either.

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1 Reply
Specialist - Level 3

  You downloaded and started to setup the app. Things are most likely coming from that app. To remove it, here are the instructions right from Verizon's site. A simple Google search showed this page.

If you downloaded Daily Scoop to your phone, you may choose to simply turn off sound notifications. You may also choose to contact customer support at vzdailyscoopsupport@mobileposse.com. You can delete the application from your phone entirely:  

  1. Main Menu → GET IT NOW menu → Tools on the Go → Description: http://www.vzdailyscoop.com/dsicon.png Daily Scoop → Options → Delete/Cancel
  2. Or
  3. Main Menu → Media Center menu → Browse & Download → Description: http://www.vzdailyscoop.com/dsicon.png  Daily Scoop → Options → Erase