Is there a data cap or throttle limit on the prepaid unlimited plan?

On the prepaid plan page it only states the $80 plan is unlimited and video will stream at 480p but it doesn't mention a throttle limit of 22GB per month. Actually it states the same on both the $80 per month post paid and prepaid plans. The $90 beyond unlimited post paid plan states there is a 22GB limit before numbers get deprioritized during periods of congestion.  Also there are a number of discussion  threads from other users about how data usage  has dramatically increased in the last few weeks even while they were on Wi-Fi and not using 4G LTE leaving them with throttled data for their remaining days in the billing cycle.  The question remains though of the data limit before throttling begins on prepaid.  Is there a limit or are numbers throttled and slowed down to 3G speeds whenever Verizon deems it necessary or if they just feel like it? AT&T has an unlimited prepaid plan that's much cheaper ($65 per month) with a 22GB cap but heck if one can save $15 per month ($180 per year) why would anyone choose the higher priced prepaid plan when neither plan offers hotspot data like T-Mobile does which includes 10GB of hotsot and up to 50GB of unlimited per month? Verizon's service is by far the best of the big four but the prices aren't justified when it comes to them being competitive.

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2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

, you've certainly done your research, and I know how important it is to get the best service available, for the best price. As you mentioned, there are no data limits with Prepay or Post pay, (on Unlimited). With post pay, data may be proritized behind other users once you reach 22GBs of data. However, with Prepay, data may be prioritized behind other users during times/ places of network congestion. Therefore, there is no limit before the data can be slowed down. It really depends on the network and congestion.


Does this clarify things for you?



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from reading the forum posts about pre paid data throttling, the entire pre-paid experience is a sad joke.

the way the data prioritization has been implemented, verizon pre-paid on any and all of the pre-paid plan offered after the summer of 2017 does not function for the reasonable use of a smart phone.

i am a postpaid user, the manner in which pricing has changed over the last couple of years, the only reason to be postpaid is interest free financing of phone purchased at generally full list price.

if verizon does not fix the manner in which they have implemented the " new and improved" price competitive pre paid, i will leave.  i have been with verizon for almost 20 years because of their coverage. they were first the first to really roll out 4lite and they will be the first to roll out 5g. i would really like to stay with verizon. it is not cost effective to be postpaid, like i am. i want and need a usable pre-paid option, not data speed episodically at dial up speeds

someone monitoring these forums, please send the posts on this topic to upper management. i might chose throttling to 10 mg to save money, but less than 1mg is not useable. verizon is creating very negative customer relations situation.  fix it now!
