Need support number I can contact at a reasonable time whilst in China

I'm on Verizon prepaid and signed up for the travel plan,

I get to China and find I cannot make calls (I can receive them, go figure). I also cannot use any data plan.

Chatbot on Verizon "tried" to help me, but said I should call international plan number - how does one do that when I can't make callls? They suggested I use a different phone. Big help there.

I try to call the support number, but they are only open 8am-9pm US time - not useful to me where I am right now if I can use someone elses phone.

Does anyone have a contact number for internaltional plans I can get to in my current time zone?

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"Traveling outside the US: 1 (908) 559-4899


If your device is lost, stolen or broken, or you experience a device issue while you are traveling outside the US, please use the below instructions to reach the International Support Team from a landline phone:


Dial your country’s toll-free number.

Enter your 10-digit mobile number when prompted by the International Hotline."

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
