New to verizon: $50 unlimited and new phone?

Hey there, I know this will probably be a silly question to some of you, but I'm super confused.
Tonight I bought a brand new Verizon phone at Walmart, and it came with $10 worth of minutes and junk on it. I added a $50 unlimited card to it, and now it says something like my balance is $55.82?
It it just going to use up that $10 than it'll be unlimited and stuff, or will it just keep counting down? I text a looot, and I really hope the unlimited plan I bought is truly unlimited. If anyone can help me out, I'd super appreciate it.
Please and thank you!!:)

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17 Replies

It sounds as if you purchased a $50 card and added those funds to your account. You need to call Verizon and change your plan to the unlimited plan. Until you do so, those funds will most likely keep counting down.

Additionally, make sure you have $50 in your account when your monthly renewal date comes around, or you will likely revert back to a daily plan.

Not applicable

Well Amberoar, I to find it confusing. The description for these verizon pre-paid cards say monthly unlimited but in the particulars it says something else.   I would speak to walmarts as to just what you are buying and for what price and for how long. In example the $80 refill card states unlimited talk and texts and 1Gb of data for 30 days. But you state you paid $50 but it does not say unlimited service other than on the picture of the e-card. I would go back to walmarts or even to a verizon wireless company store for answers.   Good Luck


It is not all that confusing.

FIRST, PICK YOUR PLAN  You pick the pre-paid plan you would like to have.

Options for basic phones include:

$50 unlimited plan = $50 will be deducted from your account each month. You need to make sure you have $50 in your account when your monthly renewal date comes, or your account will either be terminated or you will be switched to a plan which your balance will cover.

$1.99 daily plan = unlimited minutes, $0.02/$0.25 text/picture messaging, $0.99/day for mobile web. If you have no usage at all on a specific day, there will be no daily charge for that day.

$0.99 daily plan = unlimited mobile-mobile minutes, $0.10/minute all other calls, $0.10/$0.25 text/picture messaging, $0.99/day for mobile web. If you have no usage at all on a specific day, there will be no daily charge for that day.

per minute plan = $0.25/minute for all calls, $0.20/$0.25 text/picture messaging, $0.99/day for mobile web.

SECOND, FUND YOUR PLAN  You fund your account with the refill cards as you have linked to on Walmart. As listed on the card it says


Pay for all your Verizon prepaid services:



Translation would break down to being able to pay for your "UNLIMITED" plan OR your "TALK, TEXT & WEB" plan. This card is ONLY used to fund your account. It does not put you on any specific plan. You purchase the card, THEN you add the funds from the card into your account. The funds added to your account expire at different times depending on how much you add to your account.

$15 - $29.99 expire after 30 days

$30 - $74.99 expire after 60 days

$75 - $99.99 expire after 90 days

$100 or more expire after 1 year

The money in your account will then be put towards whichever plan you happen to be on at the time. The amount in your account will need to be sufficient to cover any expenses your plan requires or you will automatically be dropped down to the next plan which WILL be covered by the amount available in your account.


You may want to note, I am unaware if taxes would be in addition to any plan prices listed above. You should probably keep a surplus in your account to cover any taxes/fees needed in order to ensure your plan does not change because you do not have sufficient funds to cover your plan costs with taxes. At least until you know how much you will need each month.


To elaborate on expiration dates, the date most distant in the future is the one which will apply to ALL of your funds.

For example if you add $15 on May 1, ALL of your funds will expire after 30 days. If you do not add additional funds within 30 days, ALL funds in your account(including those which have not been used) will disappear at the end of 30 days.

IF HOWEVER, you ADD additional funds prior to the end of that 30 days, ALL funds in your account will have a NEW expiration date. Say you add $100 prior to the end of those 30 days, May 15 for example, then ALL of the funds in your account will expire at the end of May 14 in 1 year including any funds still in your account from previous refill cards such as that $15 you added on May 1.

Not applicable


I don't now or have I ever used pre-pay.

I think Brian is summing it up as far as the original poster and my confusion. The other poster even more in that her unlimited plan for $50 talk, texts, and web.

She said the $10 bonus card and the $50 card was losing money. So she was not put on the unlimited anything plan.

Telling her to go to walmarts where she purchased the device and card was a valid and correct answer.


While much of my post above is aimed at the OP I was in fact responding to YOUR comment in that you find it confusing, hence my first sentence. I'm sorry if it offended you.

I also did not see a need to make multiple posts as I am also aware that the OP CAN read posts not directly in response to his/her question.

Not applicable

rcschnoor wrote:

While much of my post above is aimed at the OP I was in fact responding to YOUR comment in that you find it confusing, hence my first sentence. I'm sorry if it offended you.

I also did not see a need to make multiple posts as I am also aware that the OP CAN read posts not directly in response to his/her question.

Offended ? No.

My reply to Amberoar was I was confused via his/her post in the purchase of a device at Walmart and to receive unlimited talk, text, and data for $50 (and a bonus $10) and while looking for her "unlimited" plan I came upon others refill cards for various amounts of which I seen the $80 for unlimited talk, texts and 1GB of data per month. I then wondered if he/she actually had a $50 unlimited everything plan for fifty dollars. (that was my confusion)

My other confusion was if walmarts set this phone up at the store, why would there be any small reductions on the prepaid phone if in deed it should have just taken $50 and left him/her a $10 credit. For unlimited.

My observation was he/she should go back to walmarts and have them fix their error.

Other than that all is well in cell phone land.

Not applicable

Elector wrote:

Well Amberoar, I to find it confusing. The description for these verizon pre-paid cards say monthly unlimited but in the particulars it says something else.   I would speak to walmarts as to just what you are buying and for what price and for how long. In example the $80 refill card states unlimited talk and texts and 1Gb of data for 30 days. But you state you paid $50 but it does not say unlimited service other than on the picture of the e-card. I would go back to walmarts or even to a verizon wireless company store for answers.   Good Luck

The $50 plan is only for basic phones. As far as the $80 card didn't know they still sell those. Verizon has plan that gives you 500 MB for $60 or 2 GB for $70. Who would pay $80 for 1 GB?


Brian68 wrote:

Elector wrote:

Well Amberoar, I to find it confusing. The description for these verizon pre-paid cards say monthly unlimited but in the particulars it says something else.   I would speak to walmarts as to just what you are buying and for what price and for how long. In example the $80 refill card states unlimited talk and texts and 1Gb of data for 30 days. But you state you paid $50 but it does not say unlimited service other than on the picture of the e-card. I would go back to walmarts or even to a verizon wireless company store for answers.   Good Luck

The $50 plan is only for basic phones. As far as the $80 card didn't know they still sell those. Verizon has plan that gives you 500 MB for $60 or 2 GB for $70. Who would pay $80 for 1 GB?

Yes, they STILL sell $80 REFILL cards. They sell REFILL cards in several denominations. Additionally, the description of the card DOES NOT state that the only things the card is good for are listed in the description. Yes, you can use your REFILL card to purchase 1 GB of data on a prepaid tablet for $20. Yes, you can use your REFILL card to purchase 2 GB of data on your prepaid tablet for $30. Yes, you can use your REFILL card to purchase 10 GB of data on your prepaid tablet for $80.

If you do not have a prepaid tablet, you could ALSO decide to use your REFILL card to pay for 1 month of the $50 unlimited plan for basic phones with $30 left over to cover future charges to your account.

These are simply REFILL cards to use HOW YOU SEE FIT on your prepaid plan, whether it is a tablet, smartphone, basic phone or jetpak. Purchasing an $80 REFILL card will not switch the plan you have. You have to do that on your own.

Not applicable

rcschnoor wrote:

These are simply REFILL cards to use HOW YOU SEE FIT on your prepaid plan, whether it is a tablet, smartphone, basic phone or jetpak. Purchasing an $80 REFILL card will not switch the plan you have. You have to do that on your own.

My point is if you were on the $80 1 GB plan why would you continue to be on that when you can get twice the data and save $10 a month?


If you would show an $80 1 GB plan, I could see where your point would be valid. As it is, the website says you can purchase 1 GB of data with the $80 REFILL card. NOWHERE does it state that is the ONLY thing you could purchase with it. By looking at the available prepaid plans from Verizon, the ONLY plan which lists a 1 GB tier is a prepaid tablet and that sells for $20. That leave $60 of your $80 card left over for future purchases.

Not applicable

rcschnoor wrote:

If you would show an $80 1 GB plan,

Are you being obtuse? Up until a few months ago the old pre-paid smartphone plan was 1 GB for $80. They briefly had a double data promo for that then they came out with their $60 and $70 plans.


Brian68 wrote:

rcschnoor wrote:

If you would show an $80 1 GB plan,

Are you being obtuse? Up until a few months ago the old pre-paid smartphone plan was 1 GB for $80. They briefly had a double data promo for that then they came out with their $60 and $70 plans.

No, as I don't question why someone who signed up YESTERDAY for a prepaid plan would pay $80 for 1 GB. He doesn't have that option. I listed his options and $80 for 1 GB was not included.

This does not mean he cannot purchase an $80 REFILL card to, as the card says, "PAY FOR ALL YOUR VERIZON PREPAID SERVICES". Purchasing this card in no way means he will be paying $80 for 1 GB. If I had questioned "Who would pay $80 for 1 GB", then possibly I would consider your conclusion. Since it isn't even an option for the OP I wouldn't even THINK to ask that, I will use YOUR words, obtuse question.

Not applicable

The poster who asked the question is a SHE and not a HE! And certainly not me.


I have used "he" within the post you reference in a generic sense as I was not aware gender was made clear in the OP. I try not to ASSUME gender solely on the basis of a username.

Not applicable

I agree with you 100%

The confusing part was she bought unlimited for $50 and had a bonus $10 card yet she noticed the value drop.

Then while looking at the site the $80 for unlimited talk & texts with 1 GB of data. now that was more than her plan and she said unlimited. You had a great answer for her.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Well it sounds like you purchased a basic phone and a $50 refill card. It sounds like you activated everything successfully, and you probably did it through the automated phone system. But if your balance is dropping like you say it is, then you are not on the $50 plan. You are most likely on the basic plan which is going to charge you on a per minute and per text rate. To fix this before your balance drops below $50, call customer care and have them change you to the $50 plan.