cant access due to phone lock issues

I have a samsung gusto prepaid. My phone has locked on me and I cant access my account online because I have forgotten my password. I can reset the password but only by having a text sent to the phone, which I did. But since the phone is locked I cant retrieve the text. I have my account security code but that doesn't help me any. Is there another way to unlock the phone. Also I tried the last 4 digits of the last active phone number on the phone and that didnt work. The phone is no longer active because I didn't want to pay for something I can't use, so then I decided I would try to re-activate the phone and see if that would unlock it. No such luck. Please help I would really like to retrieve my contacts and photos from it if nothing else

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Never fear help is here!


I understand how frustrating this must be and I feel your pain. I recommend you contact our Prepais Customer Serive department for additional assistance. I'm sure they will be more than happy to assist you. You can reach them at 888-294-6804.

John B

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