Can't make or receive calls but can text and use data
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am using an older model phone, a Moto e4 plus.  I found out this evening that I can't make or receive calls, but I can text and use data (with wireless turned off).  The phone has not sustained any water damage or hard drops.  I have between 1 and 4 bars of service with a signal strength of -101 to -113 dBm

I have looked around the web and tried lots of suggestions to fix the problem.

I turned airplane mode on and off

I turned the phone off and on (battery is not removable)

I tried changing the preferred network type

I tried removing the sim and putting it back in after a few minutes

I tried resetting the network settings

Sim service state is Voice: Out of Service/ Data: In Service.  When I try to make a call, it says "Cellular Network Not Available" after trying to dial the number.   Attempting a call sends the cellular signal from 4 to 0 bars (0 dBm) but it returns after about a minute after the call is terminated.    Strangely if I go into my account, some of the phone calls I tried to  make are recorded but have zero duration.  My husband can make calls with his flip phone.

I will try tomorrow to drive somewhere to see if it is a local problem.  As a prepaid customer, can I get a new sim card at a corporate Verizon store?

Any other suggestions on what I can do to fix this problem?

1 Solution
Enthusiast - Level 1

verizon shut down 3G voice, phones need to have voice over LTE (VoLTE). moto e4+ that work on verizon should have it but it needs turned on. 

this is what i found on post #5

 -Dial *#*#4636#*#*
-Then WAIT for the secret menu to appear (Don't hit SEND)
-Press "Phone Information"
-Scroll down to the "VoLTE" ON/OFF Switch & make sure it is ON 

I hope it helps

View solution in original post

16 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I went to the corporate Verizon store.  Using a different  tower didn't help.  Getting a new sim card did not help.  I left with the same problem that I walked in with.

Customer Service Rep

Hello. We know how important it is to have your phone working properly. A Private Note is being sent out to you for more help.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Hi there , I have Verizon too, and three phones on my plan. One of them is the exact same phone you have and it is doing the exact same thing. I have been looking all over the place on how to fix it too. That seems a bit odd. It's like I could've been the one to write what you just wrote ...hmmm

Enthusiast - Level 2

I agree that it seems suspicious.  I'm not a big fan of coincidences. This started sometime between Jan 2 and Jan 5 for me (I don't actually use the phone part that much). 

Have you tried calling Verizon Technical Support?  I was going to try next week.  The guy at the Verizon store said that they could take over your phone to try and see what's wrong.  


Customer Service Rep

Our goal is to provide you the best experience. Please allow us the opportunity to provide you with the help you deserve. To get started please send us a Direct Message.


Enthusiast - Level 1

verizon shut down 3G voice, phones need to have voice over LTE (VoLTE). moto e4+ that work on verizon should have it but it needs turned on. 

this is what i found on post #5

 -Dial *#*#4636#*#*
-Then WAIT for the secret menu to appear (Don't hit SEND)
-Press "Phone Information"
-Scroll down to the "VoLTE" ON/OFF Switch & make sure it is ON 

I hope it helps

Enthusiast - Level 1
Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks so much!!!  It worked like a charm. 

I knew about the 3G shutting down (but assumed I was on 4G especially because I still had cellular data),  and I'd dialed that string and looked at the phone information screen.   However, I didn't appreciate the necessity of the VoLTE setting.    I can't tell you how many hours I have poured over the internet trying to find the magic answer.  It's so freeing to have this solved. 

In case someone is following this thread.  I also restarted my phone after changing the setting because the phone dialer screen didn't look right.

Customer Service Rep

Glad to hear you can make calls now. Does this cover all your concerns today?


Customer Service Rep

Hello David! We appreaciate this information. Please, feel free to send us a PM for any question or concern that you may have regrading your Verizon service. We'll be happy to help! 



Customer Service Rep

Hello, jlan1. We want to ensure you receive the help you need to resolve this issue. We are sending you a Private Note to assist you further.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I had the same issue with my Blackberry Keyone.  No calls in or out, but data and texts were ok.

Turns out my phone was no longer connecting due to the 3G network shutdown (even though I always thought I was on 4G).  I knew about the 3G discontinuation but never even considered that I might be affected.

Fortunately, I was able to change a setting under Advanced Calling and turned on HD Voice. Now I can continue to make calls.

What annoys me is that I was never notified that I would be affected.  And when I went to a Verizon store to troubleshoot my phone, I was told the only thig I could do was BUY a new phone. After looking online, I got it working on my own, then went back to the Verizon store to show them how it still works.  They were surprised and said "well, it's probably not going to work all the time, so you should buy a new phone anyway."  Not happy about this whole situation, but at least my phone still works.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I suspect that there are probably a number of phone models of a particular age that are currently having this issue.  It is  probably idiosyncratic to certain phone models, and a lot of people have quit using them already because the phones  aren't that new.   (I've had my phone for going on 5 years, and it was at the end of production when I bought it. )  It makes it hard for Verizon to suspect it's the the need to switch from 3G to 4G especially because it only effects the phone part.

It's a shame that the phone store wasn't just pleased that you came to tell them the solution.  I'm too far from my phone store to do that although I have debated calling.


Customer Service Rep

Hello! We are saddened to learn that you have experienced this issue with your service. We are here to provide help to the best of our ability. That is correct our 3G network is discontinued. If you have an older model device that isn't compatiable with 4G network there is a possibility you will experience issues with your service. Please send us a Private Message if you have any additional concerns. We'd love to speak with you further about this matter 🙂 We hope the information provided here gives you a little more clarity of the situation.




So this is happened to someone with moto e4, but they are getting a roaming warning on prepaid.  I'm thinking it is same issue.  But they are using it as backup phone on the talk&text only line $30/month.  If you don't buy data can the phone still do VoLTE on this plan?  We will try the secret menu, just asking in advance.

Customer Service Rep

Data would be your Cellular services. Due to this, you would need that feature available for VoLTE. Please, Private Message us with any other questions on your mind. We are here to help.


