Droid Maxx Taking Incredibly Long to Run a System Cache Clear..


Yesterday my Droid Maxx was running a Bit Groggy why I don't know but I decided to Run a System Cache Clear I ran it through the Steps.!  as you are suppose to do and let the phone do it's thing but,  Well it did it's thing..  But I Didn't think it would take as long to run it as did. Heck I could went to Restroom, brushed my Teeth, comb my Hair and done an errand as Long as this Took.! I put each emoticon for what for what I thought about this procedure but just thought I'd ask..

Has any one noticed there phone taking a Very long time to run one of these if so Pass it on here.. Thanks ole b33

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1 Solution
Customer Service Rep


Great question. A system cache clear can take awhile on any device. This removes any temporary files on the device. If it had been running a little slow it probably had quite a bit to remove. We hope this clears up any slowness that you had experienced with the phone.


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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep


Great question. A system cache clear can take awhile on any device. This removes any temporary files on the device. If it had been running a little slow it probably had quite a bit to remove. We hope this clears up any slowness that you had experienced with the phone.


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