Pick My New Phone!
Specialist - Level 2

Hello community!

It's becoming close to my upgrade date and I want YOU to select my new phone! Here are the rules:

1. Android Only

2. No Crapples

3. Any manufacturer of Android (HTC, LG, Samsung, Google etc)

4. You MUST comment WHY you selected this particular model and manufacturer.

5. Only NEW devices (no retired, and no devices that have been out for more than a few months)

6. Even if it hasn't been announced yet, or isn't coming out for a few months you can still select this phone.

7. The phone mentioned the most/most likes I will pick.

Let's see what phones win!

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4 Replies
Community Leader
Community Leader

For me when I look at the phones available, it is an easy answer except for the size of the phone. I would pick the Pixel. Either size would be nice, but in the end I would go for the smaller of the sizes and max out the internal memory space. Fast updates for security purposes and almost two years of major OS updates and almost pure Android experience.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Specialist - Level 2

Totally agree. I'd get the XL max GB. One vote for Pixel!


Make that 2 votes for the Pixel. That is the device I chose when making a purchase(128 GB Pixel). Fast updates, Google Assistant, integration with Google Home, fast, loads of memory, unlimited full size photo uploads to Google Photos, great camera, great battery, etc...

Specialist - Level 2

Exactly. So many features!