Sapphire Like Glass From Gorilla Glass

If Corning does come out with this in the Next Gen. model of phones this could be a big thing,  a good thing in extra protection, a clearer panel to Look through as Sapphire is one the most clearest and purist Crystals there is.. but it may make the price of the phone increase a little more than it has in the past.. I have a few Watches that uses the Sapphire Crystals in them they give the watch a more pretty appearance but the Trade off is... it pushes the watch to a higher price than say one with a Mineral Crystal or Hardlex Crystal..

Will be neat to see the Difference when they come out..

Corning is Working on a Sapphire-Like Material, Could be in the Next Gorilla Glass | Droid Life

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I figure at lease a $100 increase.  If that dot of a camera lens cover is any indication on the iPhone.  Unless it wasn't.