This is like watching an episode of Lost when you've only watched it once before...

First, I would love it if Verizon created a mobile version of their web site.  It seems so obvious since they are in the mobile business...  Hey, Verizon, please do this for me!

Second, my quirky problems with my droid never seem to go away.  They only hide from me.  I had my call dropped 12 times in 20 minutes on Friday.  That is a record for me and it took all my will power to not pitch the thing out the car window.  Normally it drops the call about once a call or if I switch hands in mid-call, it goes mute and I can't unmute it.

Third, although I appreciate the therapy sessions that I get from reading these threads.  And really it is fun to read them.  I feel like these forums, of which I am a member of the motorola forum and this one, are like watching the TV series Lost.  Things are going on but nobody knows why.  Maybe some people know why, but they won't tell or they tell you something that leads you off track. Everybody is pondering what is going on, hoping to have everything revealed that will make it all make sense.  But it never happens.  I'm afraid that is what is happening here.  It will never make sense.   Eventually, you get bored and you change the channel.  Just because I love a lot of things about my droid doesn't make it okay to manipulate me and, maybe I'm not, but I am feeling like I am being manipulated into thinking that this is a great piece of hardware but it is still a lousy phone for many people - for whatever reason, user quirks, hardware quirks, software quirks - and IMO it should be invincible as a phone - or don't call it a smartphone.  Call it a teenycomputer.

Fourth, I await the updates like the rest of the forum.  If it fails to meet my expectations, I'm returning my phone and citing one of any of my issues as the reason for the return. 

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There is a Verizon app for a mobile site.  I have had my Droid for over two months and it's never dropped a call and I have not had any problems with it.  That is ZERO problems.


Just now I had the mute function go on while I was on hold.  I looked at  my phone to see how long I had been on hold and I saw the screen with no mute button which for me means that when the operator comes back, she won't be able to hear me.  So I tried to test it by calling my house phone and I couldn't recreate it at all.  I'm wondering if the mute problem occurs when the connection is poor, I take calls from all over the world really and many come from fairly remote locations, and somehow there is a software bug.  I have to overthink this phone way too much. Today I'm going to the Verizon store.  If they don't believe me, they can view my call records.

Contributor - Level 2

colfrmb wrote:

Just now I had the mute function go on while I was on hold.  I looked at  my phone to see how long I had been on hold and I saw the screen with no mute button which for me means that when the operator comes back, she won't be able to hear me.  So I tried to test it by calling my house phone and I couldn't recreate it at all.  I'm wondering if the mute problem occurs when the connection is poor, I take calls from all over the world really and many come from fairly remote locations, and somehow there is a software bug.  I have to overthink this phone way too much. Today I'm going to the Verizon store.  If they don't believe me, they can view my call records.

I feel for you. You are not alone with the dropped calls. You and I both have posted several times on this same issue. There are other forums that discuss the issue as well. It is great that Jim Fitzgerald and others have had no problems with their Droids. I am happy for them. There are however a lot of people who find it difficult to even complete a phone call on some days. Very frustrating!


{please keep it relevant}

Not applicable

sigmunddroid wrote:

{please keep it relevant}


I hope you're not referring to me.  I don't work for Verizon and I don't lie.


With all due respect, I think that everything I said was completely relevant.   And if we don't keep bringing up the fact that many users are having unacceptable phone use, then Verizon/Motorola will think that it is in fact acceptable when in reality it is not.  Reality vs unreality is what is relevant.

Not applicable

She wasn't talking to you.  She was talking to the other guy for calling people liars.

Contributor - Level 1

"And if we don't keep bringing up the fact that many users are having unacceptable phone use, then Verizon/Motorola will think that it is in fact acceptable when in reality it is not.  Reality vs unreality is what is relevant."



While this may be true, your choice of a place to vent is incorrect.  This is a peer-to-peer message board.  If you have a complaint regarding your Droid, contact Verizon or Motorola directly.


You are correct, this is a forum for peers.  And I love it for that reason.  I have also sent inquiries/questions to Verizon and Motorola and nobody has responded back with quantitative information.  So I hope that somebody on here will happen upon some tweak or even a use technique that makes all this work...better. 


Regarding the carrier, Verizon, I have always had good success in the past with them.  I live in an area where Verizon works better than any other carrier.  I switched from ATT because of how the Verizon coverage outshines ATT here.  I was living with an old flip phone for years with no calling issues whatsoever so I decided to step up and get a smart phone and my life has not been the same since primarily because my calls are aborted constantly.  I split my week between two different locations 200 miles apart.  Both were great for my flip and everybody else who came to visit.  Now my Droid is a problem child in both places - for calls and nothing else.  I love the rest of it.  That is why I keep sticking it out.  I really want this phone to work. 


All this uncertainty about fixes has made this a stressful situation.  My phone is from January so I'm way out of the 30 day trial period.  Now I will need to return it for a refurbished phone (and maybe they couldn't recreate the issues that sent it back to the shop either) and I will have to pay the trade-in fee or whatever you call it.  That doesn't seem right to me.  This phone just got more expensive.  I don't think I can switch to another phone without paying full price.  NOOOOO.


I really enjoy this forum.  I love hearing about little secrets people discover or about new apps.  I love to hear about the future of Verizon phones and new technology.  I am so grateful that the forum managers let the threads deviate occasionally and it still remains fairly relevant.  This is a hot spot of information.  I appreciate everybody on here who takes the time to interact with everybody else.  Really, this a great thing and I hope it will benefit Verizon and the evolution of the technology.  Thanks.


Mine is doing the same thing - the display comes on unless I have the phone plastered to my head - if I tilt it just a little, the screen comes on and I can inadvertantly press buttons (especially the mute or start making a 3 way call). It's very frustrating. I've had an older touch screen (HTC) that I never had an issue w/ If I turn the screen off after initiating a call, I can still tilt it and the screen comes back on. Is there no way to initiate a key lock?

I wish my problem was simply that I was fidgeting with my phone while on a call. When my phone switches to "mute", there is no mute button even on the screen to toggle. I have tried to test it by calling my house phone but I can't recreate the issue on demand. Darn it.
Enthusiast - Level 3

Honestly, not trying to be a smart--- or anything, but I just don't understand why someone with the knid of problems some people have with this phone would keep it and post about the problem here.  I can see maybe one post saying "nice phone, didn't work for me'.


If I had any phone that dropped calls, it would be replaced the next day. I just don't get it.  Someone I work with has had 8 phones in the last 2 monthes (it is an NV3, not a Droid) due to it randomly shutting off.  He just keeps getting the same phone.  If I had that kind of experience with Verizon I would drop them, period.  And I've been with Verizon since the Bell Atlantic days. 


I guess I'm just not as tolerant as some.


Again, I don't want to come off as an[edit]  it just doesn't make sense to me.




Contributor - Level 2

GreySeal wrote:

Honestly, not trying to be a smart--- or anything, but I just don't understand why someone with the knid of problems some people have with this phone would keep it and post about the problem here.  I can see maybe one post saying "nice phone, didn't work for me'.


If I had any phone that dropped calls, it would be replaced the next day. I just don't get it.  Someone I work with has had 8 phones in the last 2 monthes (it is an NV3, not a Droid) due to it randomly shutting off.  He just keeps getting the same phone.  If I had that kind of experience with Verizon I would drop them, period.  And I've been with Verizon since the Bell Atlantic days. 


I guess I'm just not as tolerant as some.


Again, I don't want to come off as an[edit]  it just doesn't make sense to me.





I understand where you are coming from. Let me assure you that I didn't intend on being in this position. I bought my Droid the very first day it was available back in early November. After a few days, I began to see a pattern of bad behavior by my Droid. I went to Verizon and exchanged it for a brand new Droid. At the time the phone was so new to the market and I had no reason to suspect that this was perhaps a bug and not just a bad handset. So, i got a shiny brand new Droid. Much to my displeasure, the same thing began to happen. Unable to complete some phonecalls due to a mysterious muting problem. Now I am worried because I am thinking what are the chances of receiving 2 faulty handsets. I went back to Verizon and was told that there was a patch coming out on December 11th that would rectify my issue and that I should hang in there until then. This is exactly what I did. December 11th patch came, but it did not fix my problem. I went back to Verizon, and guess what they said? They told me that they were sorry but my 30 days to return the phone had expired.


So, here we are now. I have a phone that I love except for the fact that I can't always finish a telephone conversation. I guess I am lucky in that I do far more texting and emailing on my phone than talking. It is still a bother though as you can imagine.


Just thought I would share my experience with you.

Enthusiast - Level 3

ksxox10 wrote:


I understand where you are coming from. Let me assure you that I didn't intend on being in this position. I bought my Droid the very first day it was available back in early November. After a few days, I began to see a pattern of bad behavior by my Droid. I went to Verizon and exchanged it for a brand new Droid. At the time the phone was so new to the market and I had no reason to suspect that this was perhaps a bug and not just a bad handset. So, i got a shiny brand new Droid. Much to my displeasure, the same thing began to happen. Unable to complete some phonecalls due to a mysterious muting problem. Now I am worried because I am thinking what are the chances of receiving 2 faulty handsets. I went back to Verizon and was told that there was a patch coming out on December 11th that would rectify my issue and that I should hang in there until then. This is exactly what I did. December 11th patch came, but it did not fix my problem. I went back to Verizon, and guess what they said? They told me that they were sorry but my 30 days to return the phone had expired.


So, here we are now. I have a phone that I love except for the fact that I can't always finish a telephone conversation. I guess I am lucky in that I do far more texting and emailing on my phone than talking. It is still a bother though as you can imagine.


Just thought I would share my experience with you.



First, thanks for not taking my post the wrong way Smiley Happy


I feel for you, buddy.  I would be seriously PO'd were I in your position.  Even at this late date, maybe you can get someone at Verizon to do right by you.  FWIW, I have had much better luck dealing with #611, and getting a friendly service person to sympathize with me, put a note on the account, and get satisfaction that way.  Sometimes the salespeople in the stores are not as cooperative.  (although I have to admit, the store nearest me has pretty good people)


My first Droid, bought the third day of release, worked great for 2 months, then died a horrible death by going completely bonkers on me.  The screen became unusable, calling up programs on it's own, ignoring my touches completely.  I had it replaced thru the mail, and the second (and current) one has been fine.


If I were you, I would get another replacement thru the service line (#611).  Maybe you will get a good one at last.  It's worth the effort, because when the Droid does work right, it's a great load of fun to use.


Good luck,



Contributor - Level 3

Just curious, but when you lose a call, do you look at your signal bars? Generally speaking, whenever I've lost calls, I look and I have zero bars... if it does go to "zero" bars, are you in an area where you typically get 0-1 bars anyhow?


The phone could be "resetting" it's antenna chip in the same fashion as a wireless laptop drops its WiFi out of the blue. Just a unrelated, but similar thought... haha...


If you're in a good zone, then I'd suspect a bad antenna and/or antenna chip; bring it back and get a replacement. :smileywink:



Contributor - Level 2

kenyu73 wrote:

Just curious, but when you lose a call, do you look at your signal bars? Generally speaking, whenever I've lost calls, I look and I have zero bars... if it does go to "zero" bars, are you in an area where you typically get 0-1 bars anyhow?


The phone could be "resetting" it's antenna chip in the same fashion as a wireless laptop drops its WiFi out of the blue. Just a unrelated, but similar thought... haha...


If you're in a good zone, then I'd suspect a bad antenna and/or antenna chip; bring it back and get a replacement. :smileywink:



No, my signal strength is great. It has to do with the proximity sensor. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It is random. Therfore it is extremely difficult to replicate in the Verizon store. All of a sudden the person on the other line can't hear me. I can hear them perfectly. When I look down at my phone I can see it displaying numbers. This means that the keypad has all of a sudden popped back up and now numbers are being inadvertently pushed. Again, this is random, does not always occur. There are numerous threads from numerous people on many forums about this very same issue.


I appreciate your attempt at helping, though. .


There seems to be alot of people with this problem. My wife and I both have droids and hers does the same thing. Mine never has. We are going to exchange it for another one and see what happens.
