Android 12 and Hearing Aid Bluetooth Issue
Enthusiast - Level 1

Android 12 broke Bluetooth connectivity with most hearing aid brands. It appears Google fixed the issue in Jan 2022. Does anybody know how long it will take Verizon to issue an update on the S20?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

It is important to get the most out of your device and we are here to help. The following link will provide more information on the latest software update we have for each device.


Enthusiast - Level 1

Your link does not tell or give us any idea of when your updates will appear. I recently picked up a Google phone and found Android 12 and my hearing aids worked perfectly. The difference between it and my Verizon phone was the Android kernel build. My Verizon phone has a kernel build of 4.19 and the other phone was 5.0 plus. If there is anybody at Verizon listening, please upgrade our software to fix this problem. Hearing aids are a pain to begin with. Much less not having them work properly.  Bluetooth was wonderful and its been 6 months and there are no updates from Verizon!

Hearing impaired community!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have Android 12 on my brand new Galaxy Z Fold 4 and can not get Bluetooth connectivity with my hearing aids. This is very frustrating and disappointing. I never had a problem with my old Note 10 +. Does anybody know how long it will take Verizon to issue an update for the Galaxy Z fold 4?

Customer Service Rep


I do apologize for this instance. I want to make sure we try all steps. Let's try this pairing mode:


What you can do about Bluetooth pairing failures
  1. Make sure Bluetooth is turned on. ...
  2. Determine which pairing process your device employs. ...
  3. Turn on discoverable mode. ...
  4. Make sure the two devices are in close enough proximity to one another. ...
  5. Power the devices off and back on. ...
  6. Remove old Bluetooth connections.


