Samsung Galxy Note 20 Ultra 5g not so much since update

Since the Android 12 update not too long ago (which kudos on getting that out relatively quickly) I haven't been able to get 5g connectivity at all. I'm stuck at 4g. My wife and sons (Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5gUWs) both get 5g at the same spots. Been within a few miles of here and never get 5g now.

I about positive that isn't by design.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Good morning, beaverm4. As a consumer I sincerely understand your concerns about the 5G network connectivity and what is displayed on your screen after the latest software update. Our resources show that many things can change after a software update including how the connectivity to the network is displayed on the screen. Aside from the network displayed on the screen, are you experiencing any specific service issues? If yes, please share specific details of any service issue that you are experiencing and we'll be happy to explore options to resolve. -Antonio
