Visual Voicemail Wont Work on ATT phone on Verizon Network
Enthusiast - Level 1

Its most disappointing that non verizon phones on the verizon network cannot use visual voicemail.   Unless there is a fix that I don't know about. I have spend several hours with Verizon's customer service and nothing works.  If anyone has a fix, I would like to know about it.  Phone is an S20+5G.

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We deeply apologize for this experience with our service on your phone. We are very sad to say that only our Verizon branded phones are able to use our visual voicemail service, phones from other providers will not be able to use all of our services.


Enthusiast - Level 1

So what you are saying is that no one from att can leave a voicemail.  I have swapped (with replacement) phone gotten to tier 2 tech supportand no one can seem to tell me why an att customer cannot leave a voicemail on my phone if i do not answer. They get dead air, not even my name or promt.  Then the call is ended at 25 seconds!  This needs to go higher.  As the representative said i Should  cal ATT.  Well when, "i reach out and touch someone", nameley the att sales rep im sure they can solve all my problems as i wont come back. 23 years and static!

They can't even leave a message! What do I do?  ATT three litlle letters!

Champion - Level 3

@Dwalbead1 wrote:

So what you are saying is that no one from att can leave a voicemail.  I have swapped (with replacement) phone gotten to tier 2 tech supportand no one can seem to tell me why an att customer cannot leave a voicemail on my phone if i do not answer. They get dead air, not even my name or promt.  Then the call is ended at 25 seconds!  This needs to go higher.  As the representative said i Should  cal ATT.  Well when, "i reach out and touch someone", nameley the att sales rep im sure they can solve all my problems as i wont come back. 23 years and static!

They can't even leave a message! What do I do?  ATT three litlle letters!

Visual Voicemail service is a service for ACCESSING YOUR VOICEMAIL, not someone leaving voicemails.  If someone cannot leave a voicemail, that's a whole different issue.

...Just another VZW customer...trying to offer some assistance...
Customer Service Rep
Dwalbead1, we don't want you to have any problems receiving a voicemail from ATT users. We're sending a PM so we can take a closer look at what's going on!

