Smart Family cannot remove time restrictions
Enthusiast - Level 1

I set up time restrictions on my kids' phones to limit distractions while they were at school and during the night. Now I want to remove these time restrictions but I'm not able to. According to Verizon's instructions, you are supposed to tap the "remove" button on the bottom left of the time restrictions screens, but there is no such button. The only button is "save". If I uncheck all the days of the week, the "save" button goes inactive (so I can't save something that has no days selected).

My only option is to create a "fake" restriction for one hour in the middle of the night when it doesn't matter, but this isn't a great solution.


6 Replies
Customer Service Rep

We definitely want to ensure you're able to modify your Smart Family settings and we appreciate your efforts to make changes. To ensure that we're on the same page, can you provide a link to the instructions you're following? Have you tried following these instructions using our website?

Enthusiast - Level 1

I also can't remove the time restrictions. It should be a very straightforward process, however, it will not let me remove all of the restrictions (I don't want any school restrictions during summer). If I try to remove all restrictions, the "save button" goes away.  Sometimes, there is a "remove"  button. But if I click "remove", and then go back into the "School Hours" then it has reset to all days 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  this is creating a major problem 

Customer Service Rep

lancebarnhardt, we are sorry to learn you are having the trouble. Are you updating via the website or the phone?



Similar to kapuku, I too can't remove a time restriction. When trying to remove the 'School' hours restriction, as my child is now on summer break, there is no 'Remove' button on the screen for setting the school hours. As per AND  there should be a 'Remove' button but there isn't. There IS 'Remove' button on the 'Night Hours' limit screen however.

My phone: Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
Android Version: 11
Verizon Smart Family Version: 8.20 (rc27 b8175 6417ada2 20210512111323)

Edit: The 'School' restriction does NOT appear as an editable restriction when using the web version under my account. I am the account holder, and primary parent.

Enthusiast - Level 1

In case anyone else is having this problem, I want to report the interaction I just had with Verizon customer support.

TL;DR  Go by what appears on the browser version of Smart Family, not what appears in the app.

Here is what my issue was: on the Smart Family app under Time Restrictions there are two restrictions that appear automatically: School Hours and Night Hours.   Neither appears to be removable.  If I go into either and change them, then a "Remove" button does appear, however, clicking remove only resets everything to the default settings.  For example, I changed School Hours to only Wednesdays from 4:00 am to 4:15 am and saved.  Then a "Remove" button appeared.  But pressing it only  reset School Hours back to M-F 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

To confuse matters, if I access Smart Family through my browser instead of the mobile app.  No restrictions appear at all.

After half an hour on the phone with Verizon Support, it appears that School Hours and Night Hours on the mobile app are "technical ghosts" that are holdovers from when the app was first put out.  They looked and assured me that on their end, they were seeing no such restriction on my son's account.   

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