TV Listing incorrect description

The TV listing has the incorrect description for Dr. Oz since the season began in September, 2012.  The 11 AM show is a repeat, but the TV listing has it as a new show.  This screws up the DVR.  If I program the DVR to record only new shows, it records the 11 AM rerun as a new show.  If I say 'no duplicates',  it won't record the 4 PM show which is new, because it has the same description as the 11 AM show.  Please fix the TV listing.

Also, the episode description gets truncated for all shows.  The description does not continue on the next line even  though there is plenty of space.  Please continue the episode description on the next line.  I need to know the whole description and I need to know the original date so I won't record an old episode.

Re: TV Listing incorrect description

That is a tough ongoing issue that a lot of TV providers have with FYI television.  FYI is the company that provides the channel updates and descriptions.  You can always contact them, but the fix seems to be temporary and often times comes too little too late.   

Here is there info

Schedule Submissions, Descriptions, Updates
& Additional Promotional Items

Channel Lineup Additions & Changes

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 by lasagna in Share Your Ideas with Verizon