Black update from Nokia (when will we get it?)


Everyone else is getting the Black update for Lumia.

When will verizon be giving us the black update?

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Specialist - Level 1

I'm giving Verizon the benefit of the doubt.  I've read where some Lumia 920 and 925 users are experiencing major issues with their phones after receiving the update, so I'm choosing to believe that Verizon is extremely scrutinizing this update to ensure we don't have the same issues.  Having said that, I WISH that Verizon would be honest with us customers and tell us what is going on with this update.  Just because I choose to believe this is the case, doesn't mean it is and if it is the case, I would have a great deal more respect for Verizon.  But the lack of communication to us customers regarding these updates is one of the main reasons AT&T recently BEAT VERIZON in a J.D. Powers customer satisfaction report!  VERIZON, HEAR ME!  TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS UPDATE!!!  TELL US WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS UPDATE!!!! TELL!!!  US!!! WHAT!!! IS!!! GOING!!! ON!!! WITH!!! THIS!!! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
