WP7 Rated #1 on Amazon
Contributor - Level 2

Windows Phone rated #1 on Amazon.


These are customers making Web purchases (with no retail store pressure) based on the education they have recieved by performing independent research on the devices prior to puchase. 

"Smart" smartphone buyers are also loading up on the WP7 devices at AT&T and T-Mobile.  Their WP7 sales top the charts and those stats include competiton from the iPhone, Blackberry and Android.

Who's missing in this picture?  And has anyone stopped to think about where those Amazon, AT&T, T-Mobile, and Best Buy WP7 customers came from?  Remember that the industry numbers you use to evaluate your sales success are based on numbers from industry analysts you "financially incent" to make you look good.

Verizon:  Your growing pains are killing your customer service.  Your growing pains are bringing down your 4G networks (3 outages in 30 days?).  Your growing pains are killing your retail store service.  And, your growing pains are giving you tunnel vision regarding your customer needs.  Hopefully you will be attending CES in Las Vegas next week with open eyes and an open mind.

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19 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

This should definitely say something about an OS that is really the newest on the market.  To have first gen phones get higher ratings than very mature OSs like Android and Blackberry should say something.  Very ironic that Verizon's highest rated phone on Amazon is a WP7 as well.   Think how many more near 5-star rated Verizon phones would be in the top 10 if they actually sold more than one phone.....

Enthusiast - Level 3

Maybe this will get some of VZW attention? To all of you WP naysayers, booyah! Let's keep beating the drum. I love my WP device. Come on VZW, let's get some more choices for us WP users.


These are customer ratings.  They are not sold devices.  Just because it is rated #1 doesn't make it "high selling" devices.  If you go by "fanboyism" and every people who used Android and are in love with Android decided to write a review then WP7 probably wouldn't be rated #1.  Sales numbers over all isn't that good from Windows Devices.  If you really want a WP7 device it's probably best to move on to a carrier that has it.  That'll affect Verizon more than a ratings Amazon page.

Not applicable

Tidbits i wonder if when you check ( Like ) down on a post that's the same as a Kudo. i was thinking it was but not for sure!  

Contributor - Level 2

Take a look at the origional source...


WP7 phones "are" top rated.  Wouldn't you think that you would want to own a specific device before rating it on a site like Amazon?

Yes, all kinds of slants and spins on the data.  Lots of places to place blame, too.  I have to question if Microsoft is offering the same spiffs to the Sales Reps at Verizon that they do at AT&T and T-Mobile?  I have to question what HTC, Nokia, and Samsung can do with Verizon to help promote a WP7 market stream with their devices?  RIM is down to 1 device to support their new OS - I have to question Verizon's plan to support corporate customers when RIM finally shi*$ the bed?  My company uses Outlook, Office and IE every day on our desktops.  WP7 offers a very slick interface to my email, contacts, schedules, etc.  RIM is not close, our company has been suckered into buying RIM servers, and RIM connectivity has been going dead as frequently as the Verizon LTE has.  1 outage X 1M users = ???  When RIM dies at my company some 3000 remote employees are dead in the water.  'Cept us WP7 users! 

What is fact is that Verizon's decision on what to support and carry in terms of devices are big boy and expensive decisions to make.  Feedback from events like CES should help.  Feedback from customers on the forum should help.  "Real" sales and adoption rate stats should help.  It's important that Verizon make the right decision in terms of device, dependability, 4G support, and OS.  WP7 has some good momentum and regardless of how many haters are in management at Verizon, those haters still like to make money, they still like cool technology, and they still want customers to stay with them and upgrade devices every 20 months.  Right now, I would be willing to bet that those who want to use the WP7 OS on a cool WP7 device have left Verizon.  Verizon isn't winning here and according to Charlie Sheen - it's all about winning!

One can only hope that realistic data and feedback on WP7 is used to make a realistic decision at Verizon.  Maybe Verizon, Nokia or Microsoft will surprise all of us at CES 2012?  No new iPhone until year end, 1 new phone from RIM and those Droid devices...  y-a-w-n.  Is Verizon going to rely on tablet excitement for 2012?


My point being...

That isn't a reliable source to how well it does...  Just because it is rated high doesn't mean everyone votes for their devices.  If every fanboy rated their devices high WP7 wouldn't be number 1.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Understand your point that ratings don't = sales.  But come'on, there are as many ratings for these WP7 devices as some of the Android devices.  These reviews are not unique to just Amazon or "fanbois".  There are similar reviews across ebay (http://www.ebay.com/ctg/108561148?_trksid=p4340.l2644#reviewDescr) as well as Verizon itself (http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedP...).  So by your logic no one should buy a Rezound or iPhone4s yet because it is just the "fanbois" that have rated the device (Trophy has more reviews than either of them at time of this post)....Android and iPhone users should hold on purchasing until non-fans post their reviews.  In fact the same thing could be said for your Galaxy Nexus or iPhone, that it is the "fanbois" that are pushing the rating...well I agree and disagree.  Fans help get the phone rated initially, but to stay at 4 or 5 star level across the board means that it is a great device, even for those first time users...which there are many of those reviews as well if you read some of the posts.

The point of the original post was to point out great potential WP7 has and that it shouldn't be overlooked as some sort of inferior mobile OS.  Overall, this whole WP7 thing with Verizon is just confirming that Verizon is a business and will not sell something until the market has grown and enough customers are jumping down their throat for something (iPhone).  Let's hope it doesn't take as long as it did with the iPhone because there are no carrier exclusive deals with WP7 devices.


When Betamax and VHS formats were fighting for supremacy, Betamax was rated a much better format. Wonder which one won that battle?

As to Verizon waiting so long to get the iPhone, you can't really use this as an example. I think that Verizon learned early on that it was a mistake to pass on the iPhone at the start. They couldn't really get it any earlier at that point, though, since AT&T had an exclusive contract with Apple. Verizon had to wait until the exclusivity contract expired before they could jump on the iPhone. It wasn't because they were waiting until a sufficient # of customers were jumping down their throat.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Thank you for acknowledging WP7 is the superior mobile OS out there.  However, you can't use Betamax Versus VHS as an example of how supposedly better things don't last.  In your example the consumers were able to select the eventual winner.  In this case, Verizon isn't even allowing us to have that option to decide (one 1st gen phone that already was 3 months old and now 1.5 years old in hardware doesn't count anymore in the cell phone world).  And this is what we are asking Verizon to do, let us decide, give us options. 

The iPhone is a good example.  They were offered the option to sell the iPhone first, but turned Apple down due to contract issues and in the end Verizon probably didn't see the iPhone making such a successful device and gaining so much market share.  So my example stands that Verizon does not invest into things that don't see value in.  Although they learned to embrace Apple products, it is clear they do not believe in Windows Phone devices as being a big advantage for them.


Xmind wrote:

Thank you for acknowledging WP7 is the superior mobile OS out there.  I am not sure how you came to this conclusion. I only suggested that at the time, Betamax was RATED higher than VHS. I didn't even say that Betamax was BETTER than VHS, but only RATED better. I never said that WP7 was better. Having not used it, I wouldn't even be able to give an opinion.

However, you can't use Betamax Versus VHS as an example of how supposedly better things don't last.  In your example the consumers were able to select the eventual winner.  In this case, Verizon isn't even allowing us to have that option to decide (one 1st gen phone that already was 3 months old and now 1.5 years old in hardware doesn't count anymore in the cell phone world).  And this is what we are asking Verizon to do, let us decide, give us options.  Why can't you use this as an example. Consumers have the option to decide which they prefer. They may not be able to do so on the Verizon network with newer WP7 phones, but that doesn't mean they can't choose WP7 with another provider. That is what choice is all about. That is like saying Verizon customers weren't allowed to make a choice for the iPhone when it first came out. Many of them did just that when they went to AT&T. How is this any different?

The iPhone is a good example.  They were offered the option to sell the iPhone first, but turned Apple down due to contract issues and in the end Verizon probably didn't see the iPhone making such a successful device and gaining so much market share.  So my example stands that Verizon does not invest into things that don't see value in.  Although they learned to embrace Apple products, it is clear they do not believe in Windows Phone devices as being a big advantage for them. This is a no brainer. Of course Verizon is only going to invest in things they see value. Doesn't mean that they always make the correct choice on whether something has value or not. But like the iPhone, if Verizon at a later date sees value in WP7, then I am sure they will rethink their choice. You may say that by then it would be too late, but it doesn't seem as if they were too late with the iPhone. As a result, I doubt if it would be too late for the Windows Phone.

Enthusiast - Level 3

rcschnoor wrote:

I never said that WP7 was better. Having not used it, I wouldn't even be able to give an opinion.

Not sound fanboy-ish (I do own/use an Android device though), but why are you posting in the WP7 forums if you haven't even tried the OS, let alone have an desire to?  It makes you seem kind of troll-ish to post comments unsupportive of our cause to get Verizon to handle more WP7 devices.

I have no doubt that Verizon will eventually carry WP devices, but our problem is when.  No one device/OS/platform will bring Big Red down.  They would still make money even if they only offered flip dumb phones....because making phone calls is what Verizon does best.  The whole point to most of mine and others' posts are to try to get Verizon to start to help build that WP market and not wait for that magic threshold/market share driven by AT&T before they start to offer choices in WP again.


Xmind wrote:

rcschnoor wrote:

I never said that WP7 was better. Having not used it, I wouldn't even be able to give an opinion.

Not sound fanboy-ish (I do own/use an Android device though), but why are you posting in the WP7 forums if you haven't even tried the OS, let alone have an desire to?  It makes you seem kind of troll-ish to post comments unsupportive of our cause to get Verizon to handle more WP7 devices.

Again, I never said that I have no desire to try WP7, just that I never have tried it. Big difference.

As to why I am posting in the WP7 forums, my default page on the forums is the current activity. It does not have forum headings on the posts which are listed, just a list of the MOST RECENT posts in the forums. I read through the titles and the 1st sentence or two which show up and click on the ones which sound interesting. If I see something in there that I would like to comment on or try to help with, I do. Lots of things people have problems with on their phones are not platform specific. Additionally, reading over my posts, I don't see anything in there which makes me negative to your CAUSE. It seems to me that I am pretty neutral to your cause. If you think that makes me a troll, well, so be it. Oh, and by the way, the phone I had prior to my current phone had a Windows OS, HTC Touch Pro 2.

Enthusiast - Level 3

My apologies.  I see this forum more as a "support group" so anything that potentially threatens our wishful thinking comes under attack.  That is more my troll-ish nature, which I admit I have some tenancies.  I knew I should have kept to being a lurker....it is normally better for everyone that way.   That said, I appreciate the debate and no you're not a troll...your posts have been indeed fairly neutral and constructive.


you just proved what i was saying... I said if all the fanboys rated then WP7 wouldn't be number one. Why should Verizon base their choices based on ratings of a small market share and a even smaller number of rates from that market share?

Enthusiast - Level 3

So it is only fanboys posting ratings of WP7 devices?  What proof do you have of that?  What's to say that since Android has such a large market share, they must have so many more fanboys and all their ratings are from fanboys except even their fanboys don't believe they are 5 star devices?  I.e. I can easily see how someone could love the Razr and a fan of Android, but then give it 4 stars because of the battery life or pixelation in the screen compared to the Rezound or for not having ICS.

I never said Verizon should base their decision solely on customer ratings, but if you are trying to tell me that customer ratings don't have significant meaning to what phones Verizon carries then you are incorrect.  People who try WP7, generally really like it.  The less number of unsatisfied customers, the better as it means less returns and less support calls, which is something Verizon definitely cares about.....support costs.  They have soooo much invested in Android at the moment, that to spin up their staff on various WP7 devices is a short term cost sink for them that they would prefer not to do.


do you have proof they are not fanboys? User ratings on a site doesn't determine the whole group. That is what I am pointing out. I didn't buy an Android device because of user ratings. I bought them because it allows me to do what I want to do at a low level. Something Windows Phone and iOS will never allow me to do out of box.

If WP7 honestly has someting I wanted and Verizon doesn't bring it to me I wouldn't throw weak arguments why they should carry it. I'd use my money and go elsewhere. Money talks... Just like the example of the iPhone. Verizon lost customers for it. Eventually they chose to make the deal to carry it.


I still have my TP and HD2 for T-Mobile. My workplace not one person has brought a WP7 device and urge me to make provisions for it on our network. Ironically there are still more BB devices on our virtual network than the other devices combine.

Enthusiast - Level 3

I never stated these ratings spoke for everyone.  All I was saying is that it is an indicator of something good, regardless of what types of people rate phones.  You were trying to dismiss all these high rankings of WP7 as being some how rigged by the hardcore "fanboys", but there is no more evidence to suggest that as there is that Android's are rigged as well.

For me WP7 has stuff I want: a very responsive OS that just works, integrates well with my home PC, and isn't an Apple product (wife has an iPhone).

I have been out of contract for 3 months now and I was waiting for CES (which is proving to be a bust) and WMC for some hope that Verizon was getting a new WP device.   However, to change carriers just because of a phone isn't normally the brightest move, especially when I haven't had any problems with Verizon's service in over 6 years of service.  However, I do feel that AT&T's network is on not that far from Verizon's so if they get LTE in my area and Verizon doesn't have a WP device out at that time then I can jump ship as the wife will be out of contract at that time most likely as well.


Sales numbers speaks volumes. As i said money talks. Move away from Verizon and get the device you want. That'll do more than showing a small sampling based on user reviews.
