Travel Pass

My arrived  in London today and all is has is issues with his travel pass.  He can't text anyone and none of his apps work. He tried restarting his phone and resetting his "network settings".   Worked for 5 minutes.  He needs access to this service and has no clue how to fix it.  I would hate to pay for a service that doesn't work.  None of his friends have issues, only him.  Any advice is greatly appreciated.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep
@KGordon216  wrote:  He needs access to this service and has no clue how to fix it.

KGordon216, I'm sorry your colleague is having trouble with their international services. There's a few things we can check and help troubleshoot. First off, if they're using an iPhone please have them check their cellular data options:


They can use that link to review which iOS version they're on, and how best to check those settings. Cellular data and roaming has to be active for them to use service in another country. Additionally, is one specific aspect of their service not working or all of them? 
