BB Torch 9860 will not update via DM or OTA....PLEASE HELP!!!!! =]

I tried to update via Desktop Manager...& we all know how that is hit or miss. I have been team BB for 5 years, and have had extensive difficulty with the connecting & disconnecting via USB with DM - no matter which BB device. I'm sick of reboots & battery pulls, especially when it takes BBs 10 minutes to come back on. No one in their right mind has time for this.

When I check for updates via my Torch, it says that my device is up-to-date, which it clearly is not, as the update was released almost 2 months ago.

I tried multiple reboots & battery pulls and finally got my Torch to back-up, then had to repeat the process for the update, after the 7th reboot (YES, SEVENTH!) I finally got DM to stay connected to my device and to initiate the update. When the update starts to do it's back-up, it stops & gives me an error saying the update failed and DM consequently disconnects my BB. I repeated the SAME scenario & got the SAME error (UGH!). I started at 11pm & just gave up at 6am. & I noticed that the update's back-up fails around Social Feeds, but I do NOT know where back-up options is on the DM for MAC to make it skip Social Feeds. I also cleared the cache, cookies, history, etc. in the web browser on my device hoping that that would help. Please HELP! 😃

Also, I am no longer backing-up/updating through PC, I am now connecting to Desktop Manager for MAC, this was the first time I had done so.

I don't understand how my BB device is telling me I am up-to-date when I am clearly not (I turn the service on & off, & did battery pulls trying to trigger the update) & I am frustrated with the continued disgrace of Desktop Manager, the DM from 4 years ago was the only one that gave me an 80% success rate, all these other DMs are in the 23% success-range. SMDH. Too bad I don't know what version of DM that was.


Thank You!!! 😃

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hi there JassmineSasha!

Wow! I know how important it is to make sure you are on the most current software version and it shouldn't take this much effort.  I truly can't express how much I appreciate your time with this.  I will do my best to provide some suggestions to see what we can do!

I triple checked all of my resources and I found this little tid bit of information:

Try this out then try the backup/update again!

Please let me know how this goes for the community!


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