Antenna? Anyone try them

I just got the 3g broadband service and am thinking I need to try an antenna since the downloads are so slow. I did discover the signal get much stronger from the front to the back of the house. I am only about one mile or less to the tower and the speed is nothing to write home about. If anyone has any info on antenna or signal amplifiers please respond.

5 Replies

or if you just know what type I should buy. Not technically proficient enough to know which of the many available that  I need.


Well I took a ride with the 760 up and traveled right up to the tower that is less than a mile from my house as the crow flies. I just needed to see the capability of the modem where I knew it had no reason to not produce its best signal strength and transfer rate. Well I know now that it is capable of 1.2 Mb/s at close range to the tower. I ordered a cheep antenna to try and see if I can get a better signal to my office. Got the one off the Verizon website. We will see.


Before I had my MIFI I used a phone that I could connect to my PC.  I live in a metal roofed building with a few other things that interfere with signal strength.  I got a signal amplifier from Wilson - the least expensive one was for "desktop" use - which meant that the inside portion needed to be 3 feet from my wireless phone.  It worked quite well once I got the logistics worked out.  I got the MIFI when it came out and I switched some things around.  Then they came out with USB cables with repeaters - enabling them to got further than 10'.  I have no need to use my MIFI for more than one connection so I have always left it connected via USB cable.  I got a repeater cable for my printer and I tried it with the MiFI,  It worked well for me so I got another.  That allowed me to move things into a much easier working situation.  It also made me think that if I didn't already have the signal amplifier I probably could just use the longer USB repeater cable to get my device to a place inside where I do have a good signal.  I haven't tried it without the amplifier but since it has allowed me to relocate things inside and I suspect as long as I could find a spot inside with a good signal and didn't mind the USB connection (limiting me to one connection) that I wouldn't need the amplifier.

Contributor - Level 1

Yes Antennas work find out what your RSSI is first:



If you have a line of site with the tower go for a yagi antenna if not or you got trees, mountains, or buildings go for a Omni Antenna 18inch. 


My husband has been using Verizon wireless for his Alienware 9700 Laptop since 2006. He purchased a cell phone signal booster from Radio Shack that was for a car and a power converter so/as he could also use it in the house.  The whole setup cost around $400.00.  We live way out (100 miles north of Los Angeles) and it has enabled us to get a excellent signal ever since.  He now has a Mifi and I have the HP mini notebook.  We can take it when we go to visit family that lives in remote areas also. 
