High usage with Jet Pack
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same issue with Verizon, just switched to the Jet Pack with them a month ago, I have upgraded to 10 GB and after 6 days it said I was at 75%.  75%!  That is ridiculous, I have 10 GB.  They seem to give the same answer to everyone, shut the modem or the computer off at night.  Really?  That is just ridiculous, obviously if this many people are having issues, Verizon you need to fix it! I got a new Sim card today, have to see how that goes, but I am basically afraid to use the computer at this point, since I know I will get a text shortly saying that I am over my limit after 10 days into the billing cycle.  Just like everyone else, I don't stream movies, just basic internet usage. I want to cancel my service because now I have to upgrade AGAIN!  My internet is costing me $100 per month!  I left AT&T at $35 a month, your cost is excessive and unnecessary!  I also have 2 phones with you as well and as soon as my contract is up, good bye Verizon!  I have been with you for 9 years, and I know there has to be a better way than this.



5 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I completely sympathize. I have posted elsewhere my experience and disgust with Verizon about the issue of large data sessions of multiple GBs when there is no computer or devise connected to the Jetpack.  But worse is the total arrogance of the Verizon representatives I have spoken to about this issue. Forgive me if I re-post, but, I want to share my experience as widely as possible to warn-off anyone from doing business with Verizon. I have 5 iphones and despite streaming videos on youtube, etc, I have never exceeded the 3GB plans on any phone. Now I have had a jetpack for 5 days with only one laptop from my office which is connected to the jetpack and have 7 GB of data use, having never streamed a video, never downloaded a file other than short emails, and have all automatic updates off on my computer. In fact, the way our organization configures our laptops, it is impossible to update or download software, and certainly I would never use the office laptop for streaming, etc. I originally purchased the jetpack so I could read and send work emails while on vacation where I do not otherwise have internet access and using my phone is cumbersome. What a terrible mistake and please, everyone, do not make the same error by doing business with Verizon! Anyway, here is my original post.

"I wish I had read these posts before purchasing a jetpack and opening an account with Verizon. I purchased a new 6GB data plan. Within hours of connecting the devise to the network it registered over 3G of data usage, even when there were no devises (e.g, no computer or any other wireless devise) logged into to the jetpack. Two days later there was another 1.5 GB data session, again when there was no devise connected to the jetpack. In fact, there has only ever been one computer connected to the jetpack (as access is password protected), and that computer was on an airplane several hundred miles away when the data session occurred. I called customer service and spoke to someone named Jeff (he refused to identify himself further) who indicated that it is "normal" and not unexpected since the Jetpack updates and connects to the network, especially soon after activation. He admitted that there would be large data sessions even when all devises were shut, and the data use (e.g.,3GB) was just due to "normal" network activity. Needless to say I expressed my outrage, but he said, "that is just the way the system works and I should not be surprised by intermittent large data sessions, even if there is no devise connected to the jetpack". I asked him, "Can you imagine if your phone suddenly showed 4GB of extra data usage, evening though there was no email downloaded or website visited, just by virtue of your phone being on Verizon's network?" His response was simple: this is not a phone. Beware of Verizon jetpack. I certainly will terminate my service and end any other relationships with Verizon as soon as I can. This really is unethical, and possibly criminal."

Enthusiast - Level 1

Thank you for the reply,

I would have answered sooner but my Jet Pack was turned off! 

This is crazy frustrating and had I looked at the comments first as well, I never would have gotten Verizon. I spoke to 2 Tech Support reps and the first one was very helpful and put in a ticket for this to be checked.  When I called back 24 hours later since I did not hear from them, the 2nd rep really didn't want to hear anything I was saying.  I was so frustrated.  Isn't customer service about LISTENING to the customer?  I guess this is a lesson well learned and now I have 11 months to find a new internet company.  I will definitely be doing more research this time around.  I now have 12 GB of data, wondering how long it will take to hit the limit, 7 days perhaps? I never had to worry about shutting off my computer or modem, now it is constantly on my mind.  Life is too short to worry about if your Jet pack is turned off for fear of going over your limit!  But for the next 11 months, I guess that's what I will be doing!

Champion - Level 1

Jetpacks are not intended to be left online all the time like a normal permanent home internet connection.  Jetpacks are travel devices that are intended to be powered on, used a little and then shutdown until needed again.  VZW has many other products that are better suited for always-on internet situations such as the VZW broadband routers or VZW HomeFusion.

As you will see with a little digging around there is nothing VZW can/will do to help you determine the cause of your data leak.  You must conduct an investigation on your own to isolate, identify and correct your leak.  VZW can provide you with the data logs to get you started but those logs only show times and total data used for each session.  The actual breakdown of your data is up to you to determine through the use of data monitors.

If identifying the leak is beyond your interests then terminating the service or swapping the device is your only other option.  However, unless you can prove there is an issue with your device VZW will hold you to your contract with the Early Termination Fee.

Enthusiast - Level 2

I appreciate that you cannot leave the jetpack connected all the time (although, I am not clear why technically they cannot control data leaks on jetpacks, but can control such leaks on iphones, ipads and other devises). That being said, the problem is that if I am reading and responding to emails or making plane reservations over the course of 30 minutes or an hour, I am subject to the possibility of large “leaks.” So, to have to turn the Jetpack off and on every minute of two to ensure that there are no leaks, rather than leaving the unit on for a 30 minute or hour session, is really cumbersome and unacceptable. Furthermore, if one can get charged for a 3 or 4GB session if the Jetpack is left on by mistake for a couple of hours, it really is a terrible technology. All that being said, if the salesperson who sold me the devise should have warned me of this peril; there is no way I would have purchased the service with such information. I do appreciate your post, however, especially to admonish other potential users of the extreme limitations of a Jetpack.

Champion - Level 1

I wouldn't say they control anything on a smartphone any better than they do a Jetpack, nor would I say there are any extreme limitations.  There are a lot of factors at play and things tend to not work out the way most folks assume they would when it comes to new devices and technology. 

Lets remember that Jetpacks are not the same thing as smartphones.  They key difference is the devices that are connected and chatting on the internet.  A smartphone is built to be efficient with its data usage and leaks are greatly minimized by design.  A laptop or desktop is not designed to be on a metered data plan and thus the applications developed for them tend to assume there is no limit too.  The Jetpack is only providing a connection to those laptops and desktops to the VZW network/Internet.

Granted powering down a Jetpack does not essentially stop leaks from happening, but it should help.  You shouldn't have to power down each and every time you open/close a web browser or app.  The goal of power cycling a Jetpack on a regular basis is to refresh the connection and give you a better chance at completing your business.  Better connections = better success when performing updates = lower data usage.  Powering down the device regularly also helps you isolate what was going on at the time so you increase your chances of finding the leak. 

I'm happy to get into nitty gritty details and scenarios for you if you like.  You will have to determine how far down the rabbit hole you want to go from there.