Jet Pack is slower than dial-up

I wasn't told that Jet pack doesn't work well when in an extended network area, and I am only 20 miles from the largest city in my state. It is much slower than dial-up.It takes 10 minutes to play a 1 minute video, and it  took 17 minutes to log on to Verizon and pay my bill. And for this I am paying $60 plus a month?It is almost useless and I have to go to Starbucks for most of my internet transactions. Have called customer service and their solution is to put it on vacation hold.

2 Replies
Champion - Level 1

Multiple factors could be related to the performance of your JetPack.  There are extended 4G LTE areas and extended 3G areas.  You might want to clarify which extended area you are in.

The easiest solutions are to perform the various resets in hopes that the performance problem is temporary.  You can reset the device by power cycling it, removing the SIM card or pressing the pin hole sized reset button under the back cover.  Try the resets one at a time and see if you can get any better results.

If your signal strength is low then you might want to look into boosting the reception or rearranging the enviornment.  Before you boost the signal I suggest you work through a process called a site survey to learn more about the signal itself.

Site Survey:

Once you complete the site survey you should be prepared to evaluate your enviornment.  Try moving around and rearranging objects to improve your results.  Sometimes moving the device to the other side of a room or relocating some dense materials can have a dramatic improvement.

3G should not be comparabile to dialup, but 1x could be.  You should be able to confirm what network you are connecting to by looking up the diagnostics from the Jetpacks admin website.


Thankyou for the advice, I have moved it all over, including downtown. Next step I will try looking up the diagnostics.
