MiFi PrePaid Only - My Verizon and VZAccess Use

I am having problems setting up a "My Verizon" account or getting VZAccess Manager to work correctly.


My only Wireless Verizon device is a MiFi pay as you go.  I was told by the sales person to setup a "My Verizon" account to monitor usage and to add more time/data.  I tried using the MiFi number as part of the registration but it refused the number.  I called for help they said I couldn't setup "My Verizon" with out a cell phone but could manage everything with with VZAccess Manager, accept I don't have a usage button, the telephone person said download/reinstall to be sure I have a good version.  That didn't help.


Next I sent an eMail to support asking the same questions, they said the MiFi phone number should work with "My Verizon" and it would send a text mesage to the MiFi number that could be read in VZAccess Manager.  When I sent back a reply saying tht didn't work and was my MiFi number not setup correctly, I got a different person saying I couldn't setup a "My Verizon" account and should do everything in VZAccess Manager. 


Ok I have been around this circle before.


Seems to me that I can't add to my service without an account with credit card registered.


So what is the real answer.  Verizon reps seem to be all over the place from it working the way I expect to not possible.



1 Reply

Lots of people peeking but no suggestions.


Well I spent an hour with a sales person and support person at the store today.  After a phone call to some mystery support number I was told that PrePaid MiFi numbers were not currently supported by "My Verizon".  No idea if this is true but since it doesn't work I guess I will accept it for now.  Sounds like it will in the future, but no guess at when.


After an hour they gave up on the lack of tabs in VZAccess, but yet another mystery support number informed the support person that when I ran out of plan that if I tethered the MiFi I would be able to add time.


Well on the way home I was thinking maybe tethering would make VZAccess and "My Verizon" work.  Well that did fix VZAccess, I now have all the tabs visible, but "My Verizon" still does not work.  Turns out VZAccess was originally not made for MiFi since it isn't mentioned in any of the docs and all the devices that it is intended for have to be tethered to be of any use.  Re-reading the MiFi docs it did say it should be tethered to use VZAccess, I just missed it since it has to be untethered to be a WiFi device.


Anyway, has anyone managed to get "My Verizon" to work with a prepaid MiFi?


Anyone at Verizon know when "My Verizon" will be fixed to work with prepaid MiFi?


