MiFi - geewhiz....really?

Ok, I'm not very smart about networking...but I do know that I can have a home network to share documents, files, pictures, etc. Have had it for years. Took me days, weeks to figure out, but I finally made it work and it worked well up to 3 weeks ago. Went to Verizon to update my phone - they "talked me into" buying a MiFi - the best thing since sliced bread, they say. Prior to that I had the USB thingy that connected me to the wireless internet.


I get it, I really do. But really? It's like having your own WiFi. Ok, now I am able to connect all my computers to the MiFi and get online, but can't have a home network simultaneously? When I started getting the IP conflict warning, I called Verizon. Yes, they have a workaround - I can unplug the MiFi from the electric outlet, plug in the USB connection (from MiFi to computer) and use my Vista computer as the access computer (through VZ access software) for the internet and then connect all my other computers to my home network...and they can connect to the internet through that Vista computer.


While the MiFi is plugged into the USB on my computer, it will not charge, so I was reminded that I should remove the USB plug and put the MiFi back on charger approximately every 8-10 hours. Which during that time then, I would be able to connect to the internet but not my home network!?! Once it was charged, I could then plug it back into the Vista computer through USB and then have all my accesses back?!? Are you serious??? Why would Verizon make a product that would disable Windows (Microsoft) home networking while it's being used? Am I the only one that would like to share files between home computers and not through a 'cloud'?


Please, if anyone can help me understand this? Is there any other way to have both the home network and internet work simultaneously with the MiFi? Without having to unplug it from the wall outlet and have it run on battery?

4 Replies
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Take the Mifi back and get another USB device (you have 14 days to return it). Then, get a CradlePoint router and plug the USB device into the router. You can then connect all your computers wirelessly to the CradlePoint router and your network and have internet access for all of them. You can take the router when you travel and have your network in the car or anywhere you go. Get a cigarette lighter adapter for the router.

That sounds interesting - but I am over the 14 days and they say they no longer carry the USB wireless devices.

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They do, but they are 4G. It's a moot point if you can't return the Mifi.
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I think you should be able to pay full price for a 4G USB device and move your data plan from the Mifi to the USB device. Then you could purchase a CradlePoint router. The total cost of this should not be very much. You could then sell your Mifi on eBay.