Network Extender Dropping Calls when handing off to Outdoor Network

If I stand right next to my network extender, it works great.  the moment I move outside a 15 ft ring, I begin to drop calls.  i believe it is because my Blackberry is now getting a stronger signal from the outdoor network and I should be handing off to outdoor network.  Instead of the call continuing, it drops.    Also, the same thing happens when I am on a call inside my house, get into my car and drive away; I drop the call.  I have called VZW Tech support and was told to power down the unit, yadda, yadda, yadda and call back if I still have the problem. Well, I still have the problem, so I am posting this in the hope someone has seen this and it saves me the hour long support call that doesn't resolve my issue...

12 Replies


I wish you luck with yours.. I am pretty much about ready to give up on mine.


We have had an extender for just over a week. Spent 2 or 3 days in a row on the phone with tech support.. had to hang it up for a while... just can't deal with it.Will start calling them again tomorrow when I get home from work. If this extender can't do any better then this.. I am going to have to ask for early termination.. this sucks especially after 6 years of great service and NOT needing an extender. :smileysad: Now, the signal is shot pretty much the entire area, and this extender not helping except be an extra pain in the rear.


Verizon Employee

Hi roose, 


I understand your frustration regarding your Network Extender and dropped calls once you get a certain distance away.


I would like to ask if this is an issue that has always occurred with the Network Extender, or is this something that has just started recently? Since posting, have you continued to have the issue?


If it has always occurred, it may be an issue with the device. If this has just started recently, then it could be network-related. Either way, I would like to troubleshoot this concern with you myself. Please feel free to send me a PM with your name, mobile number, and contact number. I will then be able to reach out to you by phone in order to assist you further. 






I have had my Samsung Network extender for 3 years now.  The issue started about ~7 weeks ago.


Since then, EVERY phone that uses the extender works for around 30 seconds of the call and then the call is dropped dead.  We do not go away from the Network extender, we are right next to it the entire time.


We have repowered, I have updated the Account on line and nothing has changed the consistent issue.


I hope you have access to my account info, I would not like to have to post all my personal data on this site for your offer to support.


Thank you for anythink you can do.  JLeeNeedHelp


I'm having the exact same problem in the house.  I'm not even moving around and the call drops after about 30 seconds.  I found out that when the call goes dead, the person on the other side can hear me, but I can't hear anything.  After a couple seconds, the call drops entirely.  This started happening a couple weeks ago.


Me, too. Same thing. Just started happening in the last two weeks or so.   I wonder if Verizon changed something internally that makes our extenders not work via the internet (to them).  I noticed (or can't find) anywhere on thier site where they are even selling them anymore.




I have the exact same problem with a Verizon/Samsung network extender that started dropping calls after about 30 seconds into a conversation. This problem started at almost the exact same time as those reported on this forum. Verizon has not once mentioned that it may be a problem on their end and we quit using the extender almost a year ago. However, with new smart phones in the household and multiple reception problems, we need to find a solution. I think Verizon owes its customers/supporters a solution since it sold the extender devices to the consumers at substantial expense. I for one, would like to either get my money back along with the time spent trying to rectify the problem, or get a solution that will allow us to carry on conversations in our home. It is ridiculous with the amount of money spent on monthly Verizon Phone bills, that we get such poor service - simply ridiculous!

Customer Service Rep

Hello Perks101,

I'd really like to help with your situation! We can troubleshoot your Network Extender and find out the root cause of the issue. Feel free to send an email to and include your name and mobile number. Please also include a good time to call when you are at home and have the Network Extender available. I will be happy to reach out to you. Thanks! ^CB


I’ve been having dropped calls for the past 2 months while in my house under network extender coverage and when Verizon checked their end and found no problem, they sent me a new phone. Well the problem still exists with the new phone. A Verizon tech. had me run some test thinking it might be my internet connection, but the test today was good. Cox checked their end and found no problems. My modem and router are brand new and this is my second network extender. I’m seriously considering going with another cell phone provider after this.


We have had our extender for 4 days or so and although all lights are on and blue, we can tap into the extender when calling, but then as we walk around the house, we loose the calls.  Not sure if this is the same problem.  We too are very frustrated and are considering all our options including special request out of contract as there is another carrier that seems to have better service in our new home than Verizon.  Please help!


I've had my Samsung Verizon network extender for about 2 weeks.  It was working fine until this morning.  Any call goes mute (but shows that it is still connected) or is dropped after 30 seconds - we've timed - 30 seconds.  I've unplugged our wireless network and modem boxes along with the network extender for the recommended amount of time and reconnected.  All lights appear to be on the normal colors.  The WAN light does appear to flicker slightly.  When I disconnect the network extender I my calls on all cell phones are sent and received just fine.  $250 is a lot to pay for this to be happening so soon. 


Our extender started doing the exact same thing this morning. We have had it for 7 months.


Very interesting that others are having this same issue. I have had my extender for well over a year, and noticed the same problem that started on the 10/18. I usually work from home, and coincidentally we were having phone issues at the office that day as well. That being the case, I assumed the dropped calls were due to the company phone system issues. After the provider did end to end testing, they determined that the "end call signal" was transmitted from my end. When I unplugged the extender, I didn't have any more dropped calls.

I just now am getting back around to plugging it back in and testing it, and the problem appears to be gone now. I doubt we will ever get an answer out of Verizon as to what caused this.
