Network Extender Problem

I just got the network extender this week.  It seemed to work for a couple of days and now I get no bars on either phone (HTC Incredible) even when close to extender.  All four lights are blue. If I call #48 on my phone, it answers and says that this call cannot be completed as dialed.

Is my new network extender faulty or can there be a setting problem somewhere? I have never changed any settings on my FIOS router.

How can I reach a technical support person or how can I find out if I need to return this device?

6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 3

Do you have any other Verizon phones in the house?  Do they connect with the extender?


I had a similar problem.  Called 800 922-0204 and talked to a tech who filed a trouble ticket.  In about a week, a Verizon tech called me and was able to change some settings on the Verizon end.  All is working well.  My smartphone was not liking the "system id" that my extender was sending out.  That was changed and now all is well.  Good luck.



Thanks for the reply.  At least it gives me some hope for a fix.  I do not have any phones in the house other than the two smart phones (HTC Incredible whichj are not connecting).  A week sounds like too long for a major company such as Verizon to take to fix a problem for a new product.  You would think that Verizon would sell products that work with their other products.  Are there no other Verizon customers who have Smart phones (pretty much the only phones you can now get) ordering Network Extenders?  This does not speak well for Verizon.

I will call their tech support number and I do appreciate your taking the time to reply.


I called Verizon technical support.  The technician tried several things.  I was on the call for over an hour. What I ended up with was a trouble ticket and the following current results:


In order to use my Network Extender, I must first call *22804 to activate the connection to the Extender.  Then, I can use it for a while. After connecting I get a sginal strength of about -95 db when three or four feet away from unit (that is between zero and two bars).  If I walk about ten or twelve feet away from the unit, it dosconnects AND I have to dial *22804 to activate the connection again.

Also, the technician told me that there is a bug with Network Extenders and HTC Incredible phones.  She said that the signal strength only shows up on the phone while you are making a call (not before or after).


Of course, I believe that this is unacceptable and not at all working according to what was advertised.

The technician said that someone would work on trying to improve my signal strength and that, if I do not hear from them by Thursday, I should call them again.


I work in technical support and training for a very large company.  We would never handle a Help call this way.  I am hopeful but not real optimistic that Verizon can get this working with our HTC Incredible phones.  It seems to me, based on other comments I have read in this column, that Verizon is not ready for prime time as far as Network Extenders and the "new" smart phones.  These issues should have been worked out before they offerred these extenders to customers with smart phones.


If anyone has more information about this problem or if there are any Verizon tech people who know more than the one who tried to help me, please respond.

Enthusiast - Level 3

Hello,  Sorry you are still having problems.  I will tell more about how they fixed my issue with my smartphone and extender.  You probably know all this but bear with me please.  Each town or geographic area has a cell system with a specific id number.  Example Minneapolis is 26.  For some reason, my network extender was sending out system id 57 which is New Orleans.  The extender is in northern WI.  Apparently my "smart" phone, a Droid Charge, would only connect to system 57 (my network extender) as an absolute last resort.  It kept trying to connect to any cell system it could "hear" but those were too far away to receive the phones signal.  Therefore a non-working Droid right next to a "working" extender.


Once the tech changed my network extender's system id from 57 to 318 (northern WI) instead of system 57, the Droid would connect to the extender.  The tech could not explain why I my extender was assigned system 57 when the extender was several states away from system 57.


Are you able to see what system id your extender is sending out?  I was able to see what mine was by using a free app called St Murray Cell.  The system id is the same as the base station id.


Sorry this is so wordy but I can't help but wonder if your having the same issue.


Very frustrating.  And I agree the lag time from filing a trouble ticket and getting a response is way too long.


Good luck.



Not applicable



Good morning!


I agree with you that the steps given to get the Network Extender working does not support a great solution. Please PM me with your name and mobile number so I can investigate the ticket filed to ensure your concerns are addressed appropriately. 


Thank you!


my name is mingo62 and my network extender has the issues of 1 blue, 1 blinking red, 1 solid red, 1 blue.  It just stopped working!

