Poor service downloads/free upgrades?

When I initially got my UM 175 Verizon mobile broadband service, it was adequate.  It was not super fast where I live but I was able to utilize the internet.  Now, it is terrible!  I can rarely connect and when I am able to connect, I rarely have more than one bar and  I am disconnected after a few minutes.  Are there any downloads to help improve service?  Are there any free upgrades?  Is there any software FREE that will improve service????

1 Reply
Contributor - Level 2

Go to the VZAccess Manager, click on Options, Power Off device, then go back and select Power On device.


This will help to refresh/reset the device and may help with the disconnects.  Then click on Options, Activation.


This will download the PRL (preferred roaming list) information and other service updates that may help it to perform better.


There have been issues with the UM175 that may be due to Network Upgrades/changes.  These updates may either not support the UM175 very well or VZ may need to reset your account on the server.
