Poor signal WITH Network extender.

Hoping to get some help here so i dont have to call verizon.

Im just recieved my verizon network extender, the SCS-2u01 model.
I installed it, waited for it to boot and and restricted it to just my wife and I phone numbers.
We are for sure connected to it, *48 confirms and get the beeps when placing calls, but im getting mostly 1 bar of service within 30feet and literally even holding the phone right up against the thing gets usually 2 bars, sometimes 3, never 4.

We just switched from sprint and with sprint we had and airave which appears to be 100% identical device, setup identical and would would get full signal

with in 40 feet(all downstairs and even outside) and 2-3 bars upstairs and way out in the yard.

Ideas?The only thing i can think of is it it 2 feet from our wireless router, although no different then the airave.

2 Replies

Same problem here. I see no difference with or without NE.

I also cannot find where to "manage" the connections?

Champion - Level 1

I recently started using the Sprint Airave so I should be able to contribute to this.

Network extenders only have a few pieces to them.  They have a broadband connection port which needs to be hooked up to your modem, some ethernet ports that hook up to your router/computer, an antenna for broadcasting the wireless signal and a GPS antenna for 911 emergency situations when you cannot place it close to a window. 

If your signal is not strong inside your house then normal wireless troubleshooting steps should apply.  I'd suggest starting with a site survey and moving your NE around the house until you can find a spot that performs better.  Try locations close to windows and away from anything metal/electric if possible.  There might be electrical equiptment or competing wireless signals that are interfering with your reception in its current location.  If your NE is still not performing after relocating it, then contact VZW for support and a possible replacement device.

Site Survey walkthrough:


Verizon lets you manage your NE online through the My Verizon account.  Once you sign into the account you should be able to make any additional config changes that you want.  I'd look into changing the wireless channels or broadcast mode to see if there is an improvement.

More details available here:

