There's a map for that...and it's WRONG!
Enthusiast - Level 2

Where I live I'm SURROUNDED by red on verizons "3g coverage map".  AT&T is right...not only did verizon get their map wrong they got their own map WRONG!  I have ZERO bars and -120 EVDO and -117 1xrtt... -125 is no signal...-117 might as well be, you know how long it took me to get THIS one page loaded?  JUST as long as dial up.


So how exactly am I supposed to have BOUNTIFUL 3g evdo signal according to the map...but according to my phone and my usb760 I have NO signal?


I didn't plan on paying $70 a month for -117 1xrtt (which is BARELY good enough for posting in text only forums!)  Seriously, I'm paying $50 more for what is supposed to be BLAZINGLY faster than dial up...and it's not.


Verizon needs to redraw their map and include a lot more dead zones cause I'm apparently IN one.  Twenty minutes to get this ONE page to load and according to the map I'm surrounded by 3g coverage...what a joke.


WHAT GIVES?  can anyone explain to me how on verizon's map I SHOULD have such great signal but in real life (cell phone will actually drop calls, and I have literally zero bars on my wireless internet) I have NO signal?  Any one?

13 Replies
Not applicable

You have 30 days to cancel your Verizon plan with no cancellation fees.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Jim are you a Verizon wireless rep or just a fanboi supporting them?

Not applicable

I am a very satisfied customer trying to help other customers who have problems or questions.

Enthusiast - Level 2

right...thanks...that does little for me after the 30 days...nor does it help my problem.

Enthusiast - Level 2

the problem is I have 1-2 bars evdo, and I'm only getting 15 kb of data transfer instead of over 2 MEGA bytes.


I've talked to tech support 3x's and taken my usb and laptop into the store once.  The "tech" at the store told me to do the same things the tech over the phone told me to do.  Even when I said "I did this twice already..." I understand you have to try it yourself as the tech but come one...telling me to do the "options: activation" and then saying to shut the program down and restart it.  Come on man I've got a little more sense then that.


Any way it is still glitchy and when our 1 year contract is up in a few months we won't renew. 


It's not just a matter of no signal, but that combined with HAVING signal and still the **bleep** thing won't download more than a few measly kilobytes instead of megabytes.


Also I understand the complexities of radio frequencies...the map is still wrong though, if this were an uncommon occurance you could claim that, but this is a constant, even with our cell phones.  We aren't in a valley, there aren't even a lot of trees.  Unless the wind blowing is your next excuse for why the singal is horrible out here despite what the map is showing...then verizon needs to update that map...cause the wind doesn't effect the radio signal.


I live 2000 feet from a tower. I can stand on my front porch and see it. I had very good service for the first 6 months. I was so happy with Verizon.


Then suddenly high usage amounts and no service. Most times I'm connected with NationalAccess no EVDO. Today I tryed to connect with National Access -103. Try loading Verizon website or any other website with that. You can't.


I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I think I've heard every crazy thing the Verizon people say it could be. The last one was it's not guaranteed to work indoors. I can't even get a good signal on my porch. I've given up but, I will not pay for overages and they know that. Now when I call in with overages I have no problem with them taking it off my bill.


I think they know their is a problem on their end and they don't want to fix it.

Enthusiast - Level 3

The USB760 seems to have a slightly weaker transceiver than my phone. I get 1-2 bars less service than my handset, I was able to remedy that by purchasing a booster antenna from eBay for around 20 bucks (plugs right into a small connector on the side of the 760, just remove the little rubber plug covering it). You may have luck with this, as I did.

Contributor - Level 2

While I agree it is frustrating to be dead in the middile of the red on our map, but yet still have no signal... the fact is, actually the science is radio frequencies and they are influenced by our surroundings and many other factors.  If our service is not working for you where you need it to work... please contact our technical support and then work to get yourself out of the service that does not work where you need it to and more importantly where we said it would work.  There should be no ETF as you only want the service to work and we apparently cannot supply that...   This happens at all wireless carriers as "wireless" does not in fact work everywhere...





If you have a 3G aircard or phone, chances are you've experienced the frustration of a weak signal at some point. Wireless carriers have greatly expanded their coverage over the past few years, but there are still many folks that have trouble getting a strong signal, whether it's because of trees, construction, mountains, interference, or simply distance from the tower. Luckily, in many cases you can improve your cellular signal by using an antenna or amplifier!  Read the article below and then give the 3gstore folks a call they can help.

Enthusiast - Level 2

amplifiers cost extra money and I haven't found any with good reviews that are cost effective.


If it were just the usb that would be one thing...if it were certain times of the day (hot vs cold) that would be one thing...if that were the case it could be explained by normal interference of the waves.  But it's not...I can be sitting still, and the signal jumps around wildly on the usb.  I can walk 10 feet in my house and go from full digital to no signal on my cell phone.  Laying in bed my phone drops calls, sitting in the living room...full signal.


We will most likely be taking the usb in to get is swapped, though that will not solve the issue...the real issue is that verizon is not being honest with their coverage map...plain and simple.


As this contract with verizon (which I was FORCED into...thanks alltell) expires, we will also be I will go with a company that is more honest about their coverage so I will not expect one thing and get another. 


While I'm at it...$60 a month for 5 gigabytes...what the hell was I thinking...what a rip off!  We don't dl movies or watch movies or watch tv with the internet...and we almost went over last month...this is absurd they charge so much!

Enthusiast - Level 2

well verizon sent us a LIKE NEW usb.


like new...which means...someone else had a problem with this usb they sent me...they "tested" it...I noticed this one gets hot faster than our old one by the way...and determine it was just fine.  There is no heat test results on our "test sheet" they sent with this product.

Thanks verizon...for sending me a usb device that did not work for someone else...useless


Oh is not working either.  JUST like the first one.


They SAY someone came out to our property (I never saw anyone, nor did my wife, nor my mother-in-law living with us) and said they got -88 dbm signal.


I STILL get RIGHT NOW -113 evdo and -114 1xRTT.


so I am right back to where I reason for bad signal strength, and a horrible usb device.

Enthusiast - Level 2

This is still a very very very sore spot and Verizon just rubbed some more salt in.



They sent a tech out...he got great signal...I told tech support I do not care what there tech is getting because I AM NOT.


But they told me that since this "mystery tech" I never saw is getting good signal that releases them of responsibility. 



So never mind that sitting OUTSIDE IN AN OPEN FIELD ON A HILL WITH NO TREES ON A PERFECTLY CLEAR DAY that I could not get good connection...Verizon said...too bad...up yours!  in so many words that is.


So I was now stuck paying $60 a month for over 6 months for a device I could NOT use.  Now that contract ends in what's my beef now?


Simple...the contract ended but Verizon decides "oh we'll charge you monthly anyway" 


So I call and I said..."Yeah I have not been able to use this device for months...and my contract ENDED...but this device still on my account.  What gives?"


"Oh you have to call and cancel or it goes to monthly."


"Uhm...I do not have a montly contract...I did not agree to a montly contract, I had a ONE YEAR contract and the CONTRACT....ENDED..."


"I'll be happy to remove the device as of today"


"The ONE YEAR contract ENDED LAST billing cycle...just remove the device."


Like hell I am going to pay ANYTHING for this line for October through today when I called to ask why it was still showing up on my account.  I have not been able to use this device properly for SIX **bleep** MONTHS, and the past THREE MONTHS NO USE AT ALL!!!  Then they refuse to let me end the contract THREE MONTHS AGO with no termination fee...and now that the contract has ENDED...THEY KEEP CHARGING ME?  Wow you guys are really not even TRYING are you?




off topic...not really...all this stems from the fact that the map STILL shows FULL 3G coverage...NO GAPS...and I still get no signal.  To make matters worse...their mystery tech gets signal "in my area"...never mind I cannot...while outside...on a a field.  There...back on topic...and still...pathetic

Contributor - Level 1

bcjammer wrote:

This is still a very very very sore spot and Verizon just rubbed some more salt in.



They sent a tech out...he got great signal...I told tech support I do not care what there tech is getting because I AM NOT.


But they told me that since this "mystery tech" I never saw is getting good signal that releases them of responsibility. 



So never mind that sitting OUTSIDE IN AN OPEN FIELD ON A HILL WITH NO TREES ON A PERFECTLY CLEAR DAY that I could not get good connection...Verizon said...too bad...up yours!  in so many words that is.


So I was now stuck paying $60 a month for over 6 months for a device I could NOT use.  Now that contract ends in what's my beef now?


Simple...the contract ended but Verizon decides "oh we'll charge you monthly anyway" 


So I call and I said..."Yeah I have not been able to use this device for months...and my contract ENDED...but this device still on my account.  What gives?"


"Oh you have to call and cancel or it goes to monthly."


"Uhm...I do not have a montly contract...I did not agree to a montly contract, I had a ONE YEAR contract and the CONTRACT....ENDED..."


"I'll be happy to remove the device as of today"


"The ONE YEAR contract ENDED LAST billing cycle...just remove the device."


Like hell I am going to pay ANYTHING for this line for October through today when I called to ask why it was still showing up on my account.  I have not been able to use this device properly for SIX **bleep** MONTHS, and the past THREE MONTHS NO USE AT ALL!!!  Then they refuse to let me end the contract THREE MONTHS AGO with no termination fee...and now that the contract has ENDED...THEY KEEP CHARGING ME?  Wow you guys are really not even TRYING are you?




off topic...not really...all this stems from the fact that the map STILL shows FULL 3G coverage...NO GAPS...and I still get no signal.  To make matters worse...their mystery tech gets signal "in my area"...never mind I cannot...while outside...on a a field.  There...back on topic...and still...pathetic

No one's service magically ends right at the contract end date for any provider...ever.  What kind of chaos would that create where people would not upgrade or let us know they want to go month to month on the exact contract end date, and their service would shut off and their numbers be released.  Makes absolutely no sense.


As far as your network issues, you are using a VZW modem on a VZW plan correct?  I know you mentioned you were Alltel converted.  If you are still on an old Alltel plan, that could've caused the problem.  Sometimes even the Alltel number could cause problems if you do have a VZW plan/device.  It sucks the technicians weren't experiencing the problem you were but that's pretty much all VZW has to go off of.  I guess now that you're out of contract and cancelling, it probably doesn't matter much anymore.  The maps are probably correct, but there are many factors could be causing problems.  If there was such a large problem in the area, I would assume other users would have called in and it would be known as a problem area.
