still more 3g horrors....

it's official... imo... verizon has indeed messed up their 3g broadband, as i noted in my earlier posts... to summarize, i have seen my verizon 3g broadband speed (using the huawei ec168 usb evdo modem) run as low as 300kbs to the rare 2.4Mbps... in case you are wondering... the second speed is about what the alltel average download was before verizon took alltel over completely within the last year... BUT there is an even worse picture with the upload speeds... about two months ago... when verizon was really pushing the 4g broadband (ha! i bet those people are turning purple by now!)... my verizon 3g broadband upload speed has gone from an average of 750kbs to now where the upload speed can rarely reach 300kbps!!!

in case you missed the point... my verizon 3g broadband upload speed is now about 1/3 of what it was before!  i guess verizon determined that one way to throttle users off their 3g broadband is to drastically slow any upload data... you slow down uploads, obviously the downloads just are not going to happen as they should... as they once did!


for those who get it... my ping times and jitter have gone poor, also... ping is now just about 50% slower than what it was... remember the throttle of upload speeds will certainly make ping times suffer... and jitter increases, also...

all these symptoms of verizon messing with their 3g broadband network... tells me that verizon does not care to keep those of us already under contract... which doesn't make any business sense at all!  unless you lose disgruntled customers... and sign up some newbies who probably don't have a clue what to expect... what is quality 3g broadband!  as i said before, all this makes at&t dsl a bargain at less than half the cost... and with better speeds....  duh!

i am thoroughly finished (may 3, 2011) with verizon 3g and anything else verizon peddles... nobody, i mean, no other high speed internet provider could ever be this poor in bandwidth, system outages, and... you know... customer service!

16 Replies

I paid my bill today, which includes broadband service.  Here's Verizon's performance today.  I have had a broadband signal for about 10% of the time for two days in a row. I downloaded a 16.6mb file this morning, TOOK 25 MINUTES. I downloaded a 32mb file this morning, TOOK 57 MINUTES. AVERAGED ABOUT 10kbs. Our cellphones still run the gamut of signal strength, FROM 1 BAR TO 5 BARS, CHANGING EVERY COUPLE OF MINUTES. I initiated a trouble ticket on Wednesday, Feb. 23rd, AND HAVE NOT SEEN ANY IMPROVEMENT IN MY SERVICE.


I have been experiencing the same poor quality service, its absolutely aggregating. Been a customer for years and my connection would be fine, videos downloaded at reasonable speed, played the online games that I wanted to play with no problems.

Now, videos take ages to load, streaming data? Please. Here comes the disconnect! Imagine playing a game with friends havening plenty of fun, BAM disconnect, no reasons for it, streaming data just goes down the drain and nothing can get through.

I don't know why, frankly I don't care why. All I know is that I paid for a 3G service, and I'm not getting it.

I live in a rural area so my options are quite limited to what I can use for internet service of any sort, which is the only reason I put up with it for this long! What is the deal Verizon? Why are you stiffing us?


i feel for you guyz....  i am sure that just these few comments that repeat the same kinds of complaints... most probably represent so many others.... who are either too lost to post here with critiques of verizon 3g... and way past having given up...  i will post some things that i did to improve at my end... starting at my modem....

in my case... i could see moving to another location... if it meant i can sign up with one of the others... at&t, sprint, anyone else...  or i may drop 3g completely... and get used to doing my online experience either at the wifi hotspots, or the public libraries...


My 3G has become slow over the last few weeks. I emailed Verizon Support and they called me yesterday.

They had me go to the diagnostics under options of the VZ manager to see how my connection to the 3G network was.

It is the Rss1 (1xEVDO) - 86 dBm

They said this was ok.


They said I may need a new USB device. Today my connection was very slow, like dial up. I unplugged my usb device and then plugged it back in. It made no difference. I then unplugged it again waited about one minute to plug it back in and I am fast again. It does look like it is my USB device. Try unplugging your connection a couple of times and see if that works.


 Don't know if this will help anyone but it did me. I am looking into getting a new USB device now. Probably a 4G one that is backwards compatible so when 4G comes to me I can us it.



it might appear to you that your modem is flaky and you need a new one... one of the problems in diagnosing these kinds of issues is that... verizon 3g is going up and down... i can tell when the network is cycling this way... there are times when you reseat your modem and the next period online seems to be faster, okay... whatever... and you just happened to be doing something to chase down the problem... while verizon 3g is also trying to recover the 3g network...

i will be extremely surprised if you have no more problems with a different modem... please let us know how it works out for you...

when you see all the problems here in these forums... and imagine how many others are having serious problems also... and most people will not post their situation here... i think... imo... verizon 3g cannot handle the traffic during heavy usage across the network... 


when you reseat your modem... this also gives the verizon 3g network a new opportunity to come up and make a connection with you... maybe it is better... or the same... or worse... but, from my experience in high tech systems over forty years... the problem is hardly ever the user... it is nearly always... the network... i'm just sayin' ...


All I have is 3G connectivity as I am in a remote area.  The new modem is not working well at all on 3G.  I wish I could switch back to the old USB 760 to see if it is a modem issue.   The ULM290 takes forever to connect and then it will drop the connection for no reason.


Well, what I thought helped no longer works. I will be fast for just a little time then I go to 0.11 down with 0.03 up speeds.

Then I try to log off and come back on and I get the "Your password is not regonized" and stuff like that and can't log back in for a while.


I emailed Verizon but this time they just ignored me!!!


Talking to OneSource now to see what they have!!


thanks to everyone for being so honest. i'm a little scared to get a mobile broadband plan from verizon now .. i'm shocked verizon doesn't delete these posts :smileysurprised:


Well, just after my previous post Verizon answered my email.


They took me through several steps to try and fix my slow problem. Some of the steps I had already tried.


I did several speed test after I went through their steps and the first one was much better than I had been getting , 500s kbs, then the next was in the 300s the the next one was in the 200s.  It is still like always. Sometimes I can log on and have a halfway good speed then after just a few minutes on it slows down until it is miserable to even try and do anything on the internet. Don't know what we will do!!!!!



Specialist - Level 3
want2, they don't delete these posts because Verizon is smart enough to know that silencing complainers creates far, far more bad PR than it quells. That's why they reocmmend calling customer service for troubleshooting.

When you guys called in the past did you get over to tech support or did you only talk to the first rep you reached? The first tier you reach, no matter what you choose in the automated system, gets you to customer service, NOT their Tier 2 tech support team.

Having same problem near West Palm Beach, Florida.  Slowed down starting 2 months ago.  Now slower than old dial-up.  Checked computer by signing onto a relative's wi-fi net.  No problem so figure it has to be my modem or an overload of the system.  Will try to get to Verizon tech but doesn't sound like they can help.  Beacon1

Verizon Employee

Thanks for your inquiry. In reviewing your post, it was not mentioned what exact 3G modem you were using that had the errors. There maybe a new software update for that same 3G modem. This update could try and resolve the issues. Please use the link below to go to the website. I used one of our 3G modems in the link. However, if the modem you have is not the same one I linked you to, please simply use the tab to change to your device and enter the name of it or check the listing for your modem.


Then go to your exact 3G modem. There will be a notification along side the picture of the modem saying if there's a software update available. Also, you can scroll through the lists of helpful trouble shooting tips to try and assist you further if needed. The link is: 

Newbie here is the deal.  


I have been suffering from extremely slow 3G data speeds in the area where my office is located for many weeks.  I've made several calls to customer service and was told, twice, that as long as I had a good signal (I do) and a connection, albeit a very slow one, that nothing was wrong and there wasn't anything they could do.  My speeds have been as slow as .08 Mbps down and 0.00 Mbps up.  Unacceptable, considering that pretty much makes my iPhone a pretty paperweight.  Additionally, I had a tethering package that was rendered useless.  


After numerous failed attempts at dealing with tech support, I went to this website:


and emailed the office of the Regional President for my area with a detailed explanation of my issues, the steps I had taken to attempt resolution, and expressed my extreme dissatisfaction with the network speeds I was experiencing.  


I received a very nice phone call from a very knowledgeable man who actually listened to what I was saying, took down some detailed information from me (dates/times and results of my speed tests).  What he said was that it was likely that there was a tower in my area that was experience an issue, but that it only affected certain phones, depending on what channel they were assigned.  We ruled out it being my device because I get in excess of 1 Mbps down in other locations; it's only at my office that I'm having the issue.  


He opened another trouble ticket, and I am still awaiting resolution.  


My issue is not solved yet, but they are at least aware of it and looking into it.  I got much further going this route than I ever did calling customer service and tech support.  I am very disappointed that my concerns were dismissed, but was please to hear that the office of my Regional President took my concerns seriously and are trying to correct the issue.


I have had 3 trouble tickets, a new device and still have the slow speeds. My main issue is the upload, the download will run between 0.8 but the upload is a amazing slow 0.10 or 0.20 on good days. After doing research upload speeds on 3g are suppose to average around 0.7 or 0.8. I wish I had 4g, but living in a small town it will probably be 2013 before that happens.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Verizon sure seems to be going down hill on data service. My iPhone 4 3G used to play videos fine, now almost every single one is choppy at best, it's so frustrating why should we continue to pay high prices for SUB STANDARD Service?

It does this everywhere I am at Except on WIFI. So it's not the phone it's Verizon's service. I have done multiple updates, itunes, *228 option 2 and option 1. None have helped.

If I can't get the service I pay for I might as well go with another carrier.

VERIZON!! Your time is running out!!!!!!!!  And so Is my Patience!!!
