5 months into plan. I want to change to iphone.Is it a problem?

5 months into plan.  I want to change to iphone.Is it a problem? I understand my phone has an internal sim card- no removable.

HOw can I switch painlessly?

2 Replies

It is difficult. How long have you been a verizon customer? They dont often allow early upgrades, but sometimes depending on years of membership they will allow it if you call customer service. Other way is to buy a phone second hand I believe


Well you Posted in the  ( Droid X Thread )  Which I have that Phone and it Never EVER   came with a Sim Card)   An SD card Yes  And you Say your 5 months into a 2 year Contract.. Well to early terminate Any Smart Phone you'll have to Pay the ETF of $350. they'll take the 5 months and break that down from there). 

But you could Choose this as an alternative Get your iPhone put it on a Second Line Take the Droid X or what ever Smart Phone you Currently have and it's Line and Drop it to a NON Smart phone Line If you have a NON smart phone Laying around and it's a Verizon Model you can use it on your First Line..And use the Second line for the iPhone..

Here's the ETF Terms for Verizon:

If you cancel a line of Service, or if we cancel it for good cause, during its contract term, you'll have to pay an early termination fee. If your contract term results from your purchase of an advanced device = Smartphone , your early termination fee will be $350 minus $10 for each full month of your contract term that you complete. Otherwise, your early termination fee will be $175 minus $5 for each full month of your contract term that you complete. Cancellations will become effective on the last day of that month's billing cycle, and you are responsible for all charges incurred until then. Also, if you bought your wireless device from an authorized agent or third–party vendor, you should check whether they charge a separate termination fee.
