Droid 2 - Unable to reset back to factory defaults

Model - Droid2

Android Version - 2.3.4

System Version - 4.5.621.A955


1.  Unable to change wallpaper.  Resets back to the same one after any reboot.

2.  Unable to remove apps I installed - They come back after any reboot.

3.  Unable to make any changes - System defaults back to settings prior to reboot.

What I have done thus far:

1.  Tried resetting the device selecting the wipe option from the recovery console.  However, the system defaults back to the same settings where it is stuck.

2.  Took it to the Verizon store and they did the same thing I did and still did not work.

Please advise on other options to get the Droid back to factory settings.

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

That's a first that I've heard of this issue babybird2012! I have some recommendations that may help out when approaching this issue. A lot of info is stored on the SD card inserted in the phone. Try removing the SD card from your device and try again. If that's unsuccessful, there is an alternate method to reset the phone using the hardware keys: http://goo.gl/KsmJ4 Give that a shot without the SD card inserted and let us know the results.

If all that fails, are you running stock software? Or have you loaded a custom ROM/OS on the device?

Keep us posted so we can help further!


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