Droid Charge not keeping charge??? battery issues


I can take my droid off of charge, maybe pick it up twice to check email, and literally...it’s dead after.  It will not even give me a warning, just turns off, but then when it’s plugged in, it shows 60% battery life before I turn it on.  Take if off the charging cable...no life.  Help?  I’ve changed the display settings--power saving, auto brightness.  Changed the idle time before the screen shuts off, etc....I’m running out of options.  Ordered a new battery...hoping that will help?

4 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

That is the sign of a FAILED battery.  A new battery should/will fix your problem.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I purchased the Charge 11 mos. ago.  This was my 1st smart phone.  I am about ready to throw it against the wall.  For $150 (with my upgrade) it is as useless as a shoe with a hole in it.  I have been reading various comments/problems and it seems as if the Charge is nothing but junk.  For the money, and the fact that I am now not eligible for an upgrade for another year, it is definately not worth it.  I feel ripped off.  I started having problems about 6 mos. ago with taking pictures and the phone would literally freeze.  Taking the battery out or plugging it in to charge was the only way to turn it back on. I was informed that they could give me a replacement (of course refurb).  I was disgusted since I only had this phone for a few months and why should I spend $150 on a NEW phone to turn around and get a refurb????  I have been a Verizon customer since 1994 and have never had a problem with any device.  I have talked to several people who have AT&T and when they have problems they were given a NEW phone, not a refurb.  I expected a little more from Verizon and I am now considering another carrier once my contract runs out.  I currently have 3 other phones on my account and they are eligible for an upgrade but that will not be happening since I do not want to renew.  As far as the camera problem, for some reason the problem has not happened in a long while.  However, I am now not receiving my emails regularly unless I click "refresh".   On November 20th I realized that I had not received any emails since Nov. 18th.  My mobile data is on and I did not change any settings so what's up with that?  I also recently noticed that text messages (replies) have gone to other contacts instead of the one I replied to.  To top it off, my battery, which used to last me all day is now lasting anywhere from 1 hr to half a day.....just depends.  It will give me the low battery warning then all of a sudden go red with the critical warning and it's OFF.  Just like that.  The kicker is when I turn it back on the battery is at 30-40%.  It is now 10:10 a.m.  I had my phone charging overnight.  At 7:30 a.m. it was 100% charged.  By 9:00 a.m.............DEAD.  I am very frustrated and sick of this phone.  What good is a phone when you are out and about and you can't use it because the battery died?  I do not want to spend ANY money on purchasing a new batter since I spent $150 less than a year ago.  Honestly, after reading all of the complaints and problems I am not sure a new battery is even the answer.  VERY DISAPPOINTED TO SAY THE LEAST. 

Specialist - Level 1

A NEW battery is what you need.  Buy a new battery!  I now use a 3800 mAH battery. 

BTW, fully charge the new battery over night in your phone BEFORE you start using the phone with the new battery in it.

This will reduce both your frustrations as well as your CRPs.


Enthusiast - Level 2

Calculating status...

- my wife and i have the same exact problems with this phone. we both have a second battry all 4 have the same problems. planing a day out or a weekend trip means having all your battrys and charging all day everywhere you can. i now have a referished phone because mine wouldnt turn on any more, and it is just as big a pile as my other one before it stopped working. only have had it a month. i have 5 lines and been with verizon since 1996. this is the second time i have problems with a bad phone (why ill never buy moterola again) and verizon dose nothing even when they know they have a bad product. i will be looking into other carriers this next update.
