Droid Muting During Calls & Phone Running Slow

Muting/Dropped Calls:

I've had my Motorola Droid for almost a year and in the last several months it started muting during calls - I can hear them but they can't hear me. When I realize this, I'll look at my phone and it is either locked or out of the "In Call" screen (for lack of a better word). To fix it, I need to unlock it (if it's locked) and then enter back into the call by dragging down the top menu. After I'm back in the "In Call" screen, they can hear me (if they haven't hung up by this point). This sometimes happens several times within the period of a short call. Other times the call will drop completely.  


I'm always very cautious about my face touching the screen as I realize this may be a cause. Although sometimes the screen is lit when the phone is to my face and the sensor should recognize it's up to my face. Sometimes it's black when it's away from my face and I can't get the screen to come back on without taking out the battery. This is especially unfortunate when my call is mute and I can't get back into the call.


I've tried *228, option 2. We'll see if that works...


Running Slow:

In addition to the muting/exiting calls/dropping calls, my Droid has been running especially slow in the last month. I've tried deleting applications, pictures, anything I could think might be slowing it down. But it continues to take 5-10 seconds or so to go from email/calendar/texts to the home screen or to open anything.


4 Replies

After a days worth of use, the *228, option 2 update did NOT work.... Still muting during calls and my phone is still running slow any time I try to go from one thing to another.


Any ideas??

Contributor - Level 2
My phone used to mute and disconnect all the time. I almost lost my mind! I never have the problem anymore since I downloaded an app called Screen Suite. It costs about $3 and is well worth it. I have had it now for a few months and my problem is solved. The app is available from the market. I highly recommend it. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip. I may have to check that out.


There's just something painful about having to pay for an app to make your phone work how it was supposed to in the first place... I guess I'm just stubborn.

Contributor - Level 2
I completely agree with you. I felt like I had no choice but to pay for the app. Prior to that my phone was useless as a phone. It was great at other things, but absolutely useless as a phone. I felt like I had no choice. It did fix my problem and for that I am thankful.