Family /phone locator for droid phones??

I've had these two droid phones now s since august. One of the absolute requirements I asked the salesperson was that I wanted family locator  and he told me that the maps latitude was just as good and it was free so I bought the phones. Latitude is great for the phone you are actually on, it is spot on location. However the other phone is anywhere from 2 miles to 5 miles incorrect even though if you look at yourself on the other phone it is also spot on perfect location.


Anyhow I tried to buy the family locator with Verizon but was told that it did not work with the Droid operating system at first then I was told it did then that it didnt, so which is it? Was also told that if it worked with the droid that each time I located the other phone it would text message the other phone to let them know it was being located. Why would I want my teenager to know that I know where he is? Thats not what I want.


Does anyone here have a Droid that uses some sort of locator that actually works well with these phones and that doesnt sound the alarm when the other phone is located?



5 Replies
Not applicable
Just make them wear an ankle bracelet.
Contributor - Level 2

After reviewing the device, I am showing that the Motorola Droid does not support Family Locator. You can trying to updated your devices by dialing *228 and selecting option 2. This may be able to  resolve the fact that the locations are off in Latitude. You can also try doing a soft reset if you are unable to resolve the issue by updating the device. This can be completed by removing the battery from the device for 10 to 15 seconds and then re-install the battery and powering on the device again. Other troubleshooting information can be found at the following link:



Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm with you... I was VERY disgusted to find out that Latitude is NOT like Family Locator. There isn't any "alerts" that can be set with automatic text notifications.


At best, Latitude works... sorta.

I have yet to get "real time" tracking to work but I can locate IF I SELECT IT. I want AUTOMATIC notifications.


The accuracy thing... You have to turn on the WiFi. I'm not sure why but it works.

Contributor - Level 3
latitude works for me. It seems to update every time the screen is turned on. I had to tell the person that im tracking them and I can find out if they turned it off. On googles site you can check the history of the locations. Make sure you have USE GPS SATELITTES and USE CELL NETWORK. somewhere around those lines. No alerts tho.
Enthusiast - Level 3



QUESTION "so which is it?"



Family Locator works for locators on the android by going to So a parent can use any phone, including droids, to locate their children on feature phones.


Family Locatee does not yet work on the android at this time.


QUESTION "Why would I want my teenager to know that I know where he is?"



Verizon Wireless is concerned about the abuse of Family Locator, see: So while your intended use of the product is not malicious, for others it could be.


The latest version of family locator strikes a balance. It provides a location of the child before informing them, such, that the child cannot prevent the phone from being located as in previous versions.
