ICS Issues after upgrade-This Ice Cream Sandwich is not very tasty


Background: I received the  ICS upgrade last night and right away started having issues:.


1 The downloading lasted several hours. I finally had to pull the battery and forced a reboot.

2-Once I got on and started selecting different apps I noticed that Gallery or pic apps  and Music apps are having problems loading any of my files.  It constantly produces forced close statement.

3-My battery is having difficulty getting to full charge. For the record, I didn't have any issues with my battery or apps prior to the upgrade install.

Comments: I'm not too happy with the update. I didn't request this upgrade and  was happy with my phone just the way it was. In short; I had zero issues prior to this upgrade. .


1-Am I the only one having these problems?

2-Is Verizon aware and will they be providing a fix for all these issues?

3-Is there somewhere I can get help with these issues?

Venting statement: Would you guys please thoroughly test the upgrades before you send them out to the masses?

Thank you for letting me vent. Now can someone please give me a workable solution?

Signed: Not finding this Ice Cream Sandwich very tasty

30 Replies
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You are not alone and you'd know this if you'd do a search of the various threads that have been running rampant the past two days. 

Have you cleared your phone cache or done a factory reset?  It also takes up to 48 hours for the new OS to stabilize.


I cannot open my texting apps. When I try to open a text app it will like for a minute and restart itself..

Phone is hot.. Battery is crap and charging painfully slow.. The phone in general is slow.. is this a matter of waiting a day or two for the slow stuff but what about my messaging? Im not receiving anything cannot send anything. I can make phone calls at the least....but please help...what do i do?

I've tried turning off and removing the batter and then starting it up but little has changed..


Sounds like you need to do a System Cache Clear  Daniell  here is how to perform it Give it a Try Let me know if it Worked or Not if not we'll move to something Else, but give it Go and hopefully it will clear the issue

Here is How you Clear the system Cache on the Bionic : Do as Follows

Step 1: power your bionic down

Step 2: hold volume up, down, and power simultaneously

Step 3: use the volume down to navigate to "recovery," use volume up to select

Step 4: you will get a screen with a triangle with an exclamation point, next to an Android. Press volume up and down simultaneously

Step 5: use the volume rocker to navigate to "wipe cache" and use the power button to select.

Step 6: after it has finished, use the volume rocker to navigate to "reboot system now" and use the power button to select it once it is Done See how the Device operates and might not hurt Doing a "Soft Rest" in conjunction of the System clear! 

Not applicable

Well my first advice to you would be, when it asked you if you wanted to upgrade you could have said no.

The update OTA I had found is or was just too many people trying to update or did not follow the update guidelines. Must have at least 40% battery on the device. Better yet it should have been plugged into the wall electric. No turning the phone off.

I must say on my own update it was downloading slowly and taking over an hour just to reach 20% and then crapping out with a network error while downloading message.

you can and should just use Verizons Upgrade Assistant to get your update. I went that route and it took 7 minutes to get the needed files on my computer, and another 9 minutes to have it auto install the update on my phone.

please note do not turn your phone off even after the download finishes. Just keep it connected and on and it will scan your media card for photos, apps, music and make things work faster and better. you will note the phone will restart on its own when fully updated.

Enthusiast - Level 2

My problem is that the phone is stuck on a screen that says "Android Is Upgrading.... Upgrading Media Database". This has been going on for over 3 hours now. I have followed the recommondations and the prompts so far. The question now is how much longer do I wait.................. 😞

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Depending on how many media files you have, it could take hours.  Too late now, but it's advised to backup your media and then remove from the phone before the upgrade.  Also keep in mind that once installation is complete, things may run slower while the system optimizes ... give it 24-48 hours.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you tikibar1!! I did the backup but didn't even think of removing it all from the memory. I'll tough it out for a while more.

Not applicable

I moved everything to a folder on my desktop just in case.

the music and photos and apps took a little time to organize but it did eventually complete the update process.


Good Suggestion Tik  Thumbs up

Master - Level 1

Upgrading Media Base can take 12 - 18 hours depending on how many songs, pictures, documents, apps, videos are on the phone as ICS Optimizes ALL of these to install and make the phone faster. You can pull the media card from the phone and it will skip optimizing anything on the card and do only what is on the phone, but once you put the card back in, it will optimize the stuff on the card so you are not really gaining anything.


I tell what Jake i bet one of those 10 series 32 Gig SD's would Help a Quite a Bit as the Speeds are a heck of allot faster than that of the Card that Originally came with it) it would speed up File Transfers.. That's why i got one for my Maxx

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you Jakeman1!!  I'm now nearing the 9 hour mark and still waiting for the screen to clear. I'm really glad I waited till I was off shift to start this. This is about as bad as having a bricked phone!!


The I.C.S update gives allot but in return it Takes allot to get it Loaded right and for it to Function Properly) it Took over and Hour to load it on my Maxx when the OS was released to Razr Owners i was using my Wi-Fi to Download it took the Longest of any of the other OS to pull in.. b33

Enthusiast - Level 2

B33, I noticed the very long download time as well. The installation was moving along pretty well until it hit my media files. Unfortunately I have alot on my phone so I'm gonna have to grin and bare it for the time being. *sigh*


Yup i.c.s is a biggen and one thing aplmedic if your battery is mid way down or at the Lower limits slap her on the Charger and then just let things do as they are) i thought my Maxx was done a couple of times and it wasn't it Kept going and it will Update your apps as well to Work with I.C.S so let that do that i think mine Beeped 3 time when it was all done..

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thank you B33!!! I've kept mine on the charger from the beginning just in case. I'm really glad I didn't need my phone today!! That would have really sucked!!!


Yup it would be a Real stinker when Getting a Update of this nature the phone has got to be totally free of calls and other things) Or the Day could become Long and the Fat dogs on the Grill and a the 6 Pack Bud just wouldn't be enough b33

Enthusiast - Level 2

I have been through several OS upgrades both on the Bionic and on other phones and have NEVER had it take more than 20 minutes to an hour. It is EXTREMELY frustrating to essentially have my phone "bricked" for 12 -20+ hours with absolutely no warning. I read the install notification and it did not mention that this particular update could take 10+ hours.

I will wait it out, but next time there needs to be a clear warning about the predicted and worst case update periods before they push an upgrade out to my phone or I will suffer the indignity of switching to apple (and T-mobile) out of sheer frustration.          

Master - Level 1

I agree with you 100%. I have also been involved in many updates / upgrades on several phones and have had none of them take that long. ICS though is the first OS Upgrade in which the OS Optimizes itself and all of the content on the phone. It is a great idea and makes things run nice and smooth however Verizon did a Terrible job in communicating this as there is some stuff you could have done prior to the update.

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How about no job in communicating?  Unless you read forums, how would you know, until it shows up?  I know a friend of mine with a Bionic who doesn't read any forums of any sort and she had no idea whatsoever that an update was being pushed until I told her.
