ICS Issues after upgrade-This Ice Cream Sandwich is not very tasty

Background: I received the  ICS upgrade last night and right away started having issues:.


1 The downloading lasted several hours. I finally had to pull the battery and forced a reboot.

2-Once I got on and started selecting different apps I noticed that Gallery or pic apps  and Music apps are having problems loading any of my files.  It constantly produces forced close statement.

3-My battery is having difficulty getting to full charge. For the record, I didn't have any issues with my battery or apps prior to the upgrade install.

Comments: I'm not too happy with the update. I didn't request this upgrade and  was happy with my phone just the way it was. In short; I had zero issues prior to this upgrade. .


1-Am I the only one having these problems?

2-Is Verizon aware and will they be providing a fix for all these issues?

3-Is there somewhere I can get help with these issues?

Venting statement: Would you guys please thoroughly test the upgrades before you send them out to the masses?

Thank you for letting me vent. Now can someone please give me a workable solution?

Signed: Not finding this Ice Cream Sandwich very tasty

30 Replies
Master - Level 1

Yeah I know, I was trying to be nice on it.  There was NO communication at all. Matter of fact, if you call verizon today you will still get agents that are telling you three is no update and the Bionic is not getting ICS.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

For those still suffering, my upgrade finally completed after just under 10 hours. I do not have a great deal of music or photographs... perhaps 4GB total? though I DO have the 16GB internal + a 16GB SD card.

Notes thus far:

1. Despite the fact that it had been plugged in for the whole ordeal it booted up with only 15% of its battery

2. It does not appear to be charging fully. I have a charger that indicates when current is being drawn and, at best, it flickers indicating partial/intermediate, and sometimes shows no current despite the fact that my phone is now at 10%. I have already done one complete battery/SD card/Sim card remove/reboot.

3. The interface is actually quite nice. I like the new options from the lock screen and the menus look cleaner in my opinion. I also like the way they've handled adding apps/widgets.

4. I happen to have SMSPopUp and SMSReader installed... when I LEAVE the text pop up up, it actually charges. Weird bug.

So I agree with whoever said it (it might have been this forum or not), but ICS does give much but also requires much. Take it with a grain of salt.

Good Luck!


I, too, am experiencing all of the above.  The phone now runs hot all the time (it did not before) and the battery lasts about a third of the time it used to (if not less).  Apps that used to run with no issues won't even open.  Icons seem to appear and disappear from my homescreen at random.  My phone is now less functional than ever.  My guess is that Verizon knows about the issues, but does not care.  If this is the best they could do, they should have just left it alone.


i have found that if you disable the media service   com.motorola.android.omadrm  the CPU stops running overtime, the battery stops discharching and the phone cools off/doesnt get hot -

i have a suspicion that it has to do with me saying YES when asked if i wanted to Share my Media...

can someone tell me 2 things -  how can i restore or reinstall the update?    or is there a way to change my selection to NO for sharing media?

Master - Level 1

Battery on these Post ICS is a downer for the first day or two until everything syncs up.

A few things you can do for the battery life as well.

1) Disable ALL of the Bloatware or apps you do NOT use (they do use battery)

2) Turn OFF Auto Wifi On (with it on, it causes the phone to search for Wifi and uses a lot of battery

3) If you are NOT in a 4g Area download LTE On/Off and change your phone to 3G until you get 4G. This will save a lot of battery

4) Turn off Background Data Sync

Now by nature we all like to play with things so usually the first week or so after an upgrade, your battery life is down. Mostly from us playing with the device to see how it works.

I have had ICS for almost a week now and my Battery is right back up where it was PRe ICS in terms of how long it lasts.

Enthusiast - Level 2

So I thought I'd give a little update on the updatel, 72 hours after the fact.

ICS is actually quite a "tasty ice cream sandwich". I am very pleased with some of the fixes which have made a couple of my apps run more smoothly and fixed things like icons disappearing. This is particularly aimed at SMSPopUp and SMSReader which used to periodically have issues with repeating notificiations 4+ times. ICS now supports the quick reply in the popUp and utilizes the GTalk type of keyboard with the smiley button (something I've always wanted available in my texting keyboard).

Initially, I did notice certain apps taking longer to load (texting being one of the biggest culprits). This cleared up after about a day or so. I did NOT perform a cache clear or another "hard" reboot. So I attribute the issue to ICS initially syncing its processes/optimizing for my usage.

My battery life is still not QUITE where it used to be. I find I can not make it through a day without charging. I use my phone (4G streaming of pandora especially) quite heavily all day though. It does charge as quickly as it used to (that took about a day to return to normal as well) so it's bearable.

I have noticed in forums (not sure if it was this one) people complaining about the bionic suddenly dropping or failing to use 4G in the past. My phone developed this issue about 5 months into its life and after multiple Verizon Support calls never fully dropped the habit. ICS seems to have solved the problem. I have not had a problem with acquiring or maintaining a connection in areas where 4G is available at ALL for the past 3 days, which, if you were dealing with the "random 4G drop problem", is amazing.

So be patient! It will get better... though I still think Verizon should consider better (or simply any) communication on what to expect with updates of this nature. I am mollified by the joy of a *practically* new phone in the last couple days, but I can not forget the inconvenience that was suffered (unnecessarily) while updating. 

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enelson321 wrote:

So be patient! It will get better... though I still think Verizon should consider better (or simply any) communication on what to expect with updates of this nature. I am mollified by the joy of a *practically* new phone in the last couple days


Master - Level 1

2 things on the Battery life (this may or may not apply to you). Typically what I see when a new OS is loaded is people in general are trying to figure out what is new, how does this work, does that still work etc... and don't realize they are on the phone double or more then they were prior to the update itself.  We have all gone through it.  Next, ICS does optimize the phone (which you already went through). After it is finally installed and running it also optimizes the APP Usage (Android in general does). So you have some apps that turn themselves on automatically because the app writers feel you will want to use them so often. when you do not use the apps, the OS learns that you do not want them and it turns them off (saving battery) As long as you do not use a Task Killer this will happen in the first 7-10 days.

You can help speed that along and save more battery though by disabling the bloatware you do NOT use on the phone (all of these apps will start themselves at least long enough to check for updates daily). This will extend the battery life as well. One of the apps I found that is a large drain on Battery is Smart Actions. Some people swear by it and it can do many things in the way of automating your phone so the power it uses is a good trade off. For me, I disabled it and gained 3-4% more battery life.

I believe B33 has a Battery Savers Guide as well??? Maybe he can post the link to it.

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Jakeman1 wrote:

2 things on the Battery life (this may or may not apply to you). Typically what I see when a new OS is loaded is people in general are trying to figure out what is new, how does this work, does that still work etc... and don't realize they are on the phone double or more then they were prior to the update itself.  We have all gone through it.    not me!  ok, sure I did ... hours extra!  LOL

I believe B33 has a Battery Savers Guide as well??? Maybe he can post the link to it.   is this the one you're thinking about?
