Incredible 2 disconnects from Ford Sync Bluetooth

We recently purchased a new vehicle with Ford's Microsoft Sync system, which supports Bluetooth phone connections. We have 2 phones, an old Samsung flip phone which works just fine and an Incredible 2 that drops the Bluetooth connection as soon as we pull awayfrom the house.  I can manually reconnect and it will stay reconnected without problem. Read on some discussion posts that there may be a problem with Android phones because of a conflict between Wifi and Bluetooth.  Tried turning off the Wifi and am not sure if there is any relevance yet. My questions is, (a) is this a known problem, (b) is there a permanent fix that doesn't require turning off the Wifi every time I get in the car?

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hi GRPelton,

I have extensively researched this trouble with your Incredible 2 specifically and nothing documented to reflect as a known issue. I have communicated the details to HTC to review the information to ensure everything works the right way. I imagine you have WiFi turned on at home as there's a network available for you. To make sure you have the best coverage and data connection while outside the home, we do encourage you to turn WiFi off when leaving as this being left on can interfere with your VZW network. This will also allow the battery on the phone to last longer as it won't be constantly searching for WiFi networks.

Thank you,
Please follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport


I'm having the same problem: bluetooth on Incredible 2 won't connect to Ford SYNC even though Ford claims they are in fact compatible.

I can't get it to connect at all, regardless if wifi or data is on or off.

I turn the bluetooth on and search for devices, phone can't find car.

I leave the bluetooth on phone, and scan using car; car can't find phone.

So frustrating!

Customer Service Rep

Hi redrenegade13,

Let's get this paired up for you! It is important to use Bluetooth while driving. Are you able to connect your phone with any other Bluetooth devices? Have you brought your car to Ford for them to research this? Keep us posted.

Thanks, BobbyS_VZW
Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
