Messages Deleted Themselves?
Enthusiast - Level 1

So I'm using my phone, have had it since around Thanksgiving.  I go to check a recently received text messages, and, as the main messages screen opens, the recent one vanishes along with every other text that was previously on my phone.  I now have zero messages of any kind as far as my phone is concerned.  I have a couple questions:


1.  How did this happen?


2.  Is there any way to retrieve the messages?


To clarify, I do not have any limits placed on how many text messages I can have.  I have never cleared existing text messages(there were quite a few of them).  I have never gotten a warning about how much space is remaining on my phone.  


If this could be better addressed to another forum, please let me know and I'll repost there as well.



1 Reply
Specialist - Level 1

Hi Jekelenroth, 


Sorry you're having this trouble of your text messages disappearing. To better troubleshoot, I'd like to ask you a couple of questions:


1. Do you have an anti-virus app downloaded to your device

2. Have you downloaded any apps that have permission to access your contacts? 


I have seen this issue in the past and one of the above has been the culprit. If you have any apps as I have described above, try deleting them and see if this stops your messages from vanishing. Let us know how this works for you!


