Not Satisfied With My Droid 2

My husband got me the first Droid when it came out. I quickly found out that it was quite nice for checking email, Facebook, shopping ect but it was worthless as a phone. Every call I got on dropped. I spent COUNTLESS hours on the phone with Verizon tech support. They hard rebootted and trouble shot things and told me it shouldn't drop calls anymore. Wrong. Everyone who called me came to expect a call back every 5 minutes or so while talking. It was stupid. Finally Verizon sent me out a new phone. This phone did the exact same crap as the first. Constantly dropped calls. It's embarrassing when you are on your phone for a business call and you have to keep calling back into a conference call because your phone keeps dropping the call. So, I decided to upgrade to the Droid 2. I was told this phone was MUCH better than the first phone and I was assured there would be no more problems. Wrong again..This phone drops calls just like the first. It also locks up constantly, shuts off when ever it feels like it (no the battery isn't dead), starts browsing the web and dialing when I am on a call, calls people randomly when it's just sitting on desk and now when I call someone or someone calls me there is no volume. It's ridiculous. I find the Droid to be a complete piece of junk. I have been a Verizon customer since 1998. They have been less than helpful during this whole ordeal. I spent $250 MORE to get a better phone which had proved to be worse than the first. I just want something that works and I don't think the Motorola Droid is what is for me. It's frustrating and I'm thinking about just canceling my contract with Verizon all together and paying the fines. I am  tired of spending 2+ hours on the phone with technical support a night just to be told that the phone is fixed and have it do the same things again. Has anyone else had these kinds of problems with their Druid or Druid 2?

13 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Sounds like you're just having a lot of bad luck. I have had dropped calls but usually it's only when I'm in a somewhat remote area.

I have had mine D2 since the day it came out and never had any of the other problems you described.


I feel the same way. Im about to switch to at&t

Contributor - Level 3

We apologize that you are having so many issues  with your device.  We value  you as a customer and thank you for choosing Verizon Wireless.  The issues that you are a experiencing maybe tied to your device, I could only recommend having a technician take another look at the device. 

Contributor - Level 1

I went through the hassle of having four Droid1 phones.  I  now have a Droid 2.  It has been much better but still has lots of problems.  When I call Customer Support they tell me to to do a "factory reset."  Since that is the usual solution to most problems, it would be nice if Verizon would come up with an app that would reinstall everything on the phone as it was set up.

HateMyDroid, you are not the only one with problems.   The camera, over all, is terrible and you cannot use the phone in daylight without lots of manipulating. And that's just the phone; there are problems with apps, also.    Last night I was trying to listen to a voice mail and the phone would start calling the person after a few seconds of the playback.  Not good if you did not want to return the call at that moment. Not very impressed with the Motorola Droid phones.

Contributor - Level 3

We apologize  that you are having so many problems with your device. With all devices and applications there are issues  that arise.  Because there are so many applications on the marketplace certain programming conflicts may occur.  We recommend screening the applications downloaded  to the device and monitoring device problems after application downloads.  It is also a good idea to power the device off and on every once and a while as a soft reset. 




I use an app called app manager and keep a backup of my apps. If I ever have to reset my phone I just download it again and restore the apps from my SD card. 


Since my initial post the phone has completely froze. You can not unlock it at all and it won't power off. I have tried taking the battery out and still nothing. Does anyone know how to trouble shoot this? I am going to take it to the Verizon store today and hopefully they can fix it and give me a different phone. I am tired of wasting countless hours on the phone with your technical support Verizon Wireless! You waste my time and my money. I want a new phone - one that doesn't have anything to do with Motorola or The Droid. These phones are JUNK! I am so sick and tired of having these kinds of problems! I have been a loyal customer of Verizon Wireless since 1998 but I'm afraid that if you don't resolve this issue quickly and at no cost I am going to have to move on. I will NOT be paying for yet another new phone.

I think I got your old phone and luck with the Droid 2...I am currently on my second phone and second battery and the piece of junk is sitting next to me as I type, staring at me with the big M in the middle acting like it is going to turn on (but frozen of course). Smiley Sad I feel your pain....E-mail has been sent, we will see what happens!!!!

I couldn't agree with you more!  First I had the HTC and it kept dropping calls and dialing during a call.  We took the phone in for tech support many times, and finally they gave us another phone.  UGGGGHHH we got the Droid 2.  I didn't think I could be more dissatisfied than with the HTC. This Droid keeps dropping calls, dialing numbers while I am on a call, muting calls, or whatever else it feels like doing.  At first when we brought it in for help, the tech support stated they lowered the sensativity.  Well, this didn't work.  I thought it could have been my hair, my face, my earring, or any other thing; however, I even tried holding phone away from face and it still did this.  One tech support stated to shut phone down every night.  Did it, no luck.  My husband was in again to tech support and they argued a while and finally one tech support specialist told him that every time my phone does something like this, I should push ### and send.  Apparently this marks the phone bill.  I should do this for 1 week so they can see how often this is happening.  My week is almost up, and I have done this multiple times.  I am so aggravated.  My 3 sons and I have Verizon and I am ready to pay fines and switch to AT&T.  It's funny, my old Verizon phone never had these problems.  It wasn't a high tech model, maybe that's the reason.  It seems like the more bells and whistles I got, I get more dissatisfied.  Lesson for life I guess.  Be Satisfied.


ive had my droid 2 (not the global) since September and havent had to many issues with it other then third party apps messing with my phone settings such as not alerting me to new emails but its to be expected from some of these apps. you can always manually check your emails. there were some other minor problems not related to these third party apps (i dont believe i had any apps on my phone when this happened) my music player stopped working in the middle of some songs and then the screen went black and i couldnt do anything on my phone. hard reset fixed this for me for the most part. Occasionally i still have a freezing issue but sometimes if i wait for a few minutes the song will work again or if i do a soft reset that works sometimes to. these problems could be due to the song download quality themselves. anyway my point is even with the problems ive been having there was always a solution. i wish you the best of luck in the future with your phone. they are really something once you get the hang of them and some computer experience and a good phone.


Perhaps a Android based smart phone is just not the type of device you need, with ALL those problems I would recommend going back to a Feature phone and skipping the whole smart phone line.  Personally I have been using the Droid Eris, Moto Droid, Moto Droid 2 and never once had an issue with any of these devices, other than a few 3rd party apps that needed tweaking to run properly.


With the drop call issue... Some phones work better in certain areas where other phones just do not work well.  Smart phones can sometimes have a slightly weaker signal than feature phones, this is due to the highly compact designs of the phones and the location of the radio antenna inside the outer shell.  Even Apple had and still is having issues with their flagship smartphone when it comes to call quality/signal issues and the location of the antenna.  Again, smart phones are not for everyone.  Sometimes you have to go with what works.


Regulis7 makes a very good point. on the note of calling i never had a problem with dropped calls or signal issues. to add to what Regulis7was saying about the signal on these phones even with verizon having a fair amount of towers to many in an area can also cause problems similar to when there are none around. whatever you decide keep in mind to do plenty of your own research so that you dont end up unhappy and frustrated with your purchase.


We bought 2 droid 2 in Nov 2011. Have returned wifes less than a year, now mine has been sent back once and it is bad again, they sent me a new one or reconditioned one and it don't work out of the box. Verizion sucks. They won't send another kind of phone, this one sucks. I have a friend that works in tech dept at verizion and he said its worst phone they have. Can't wait til my plans are up and will go to integrity mobile and get better plan at better prices. Alltel customer forever until verizion bought us out. Nothing but headaches. Such a pitiful company.

Chuck Davis an unsatisfied customer.
