OTA 2.3.6 Gingerbread update issue with white list programs that turn ringer on from silent.

Since the Gingerbread 2.3.6 update on Saturday, I can't get any white list programs to work? Semisilent used to work flawlessly, I could turn my ring volume off and the program would turn it back on if my g/f or mom called. I've tried about 5 more programs from the market and none of them turn the volume back up from a white list now. Anybody have a clue why?
1 Reply

Found a partial solution. One (out of 5 or 6 tried)  free program on the market (Profile Scheduler)  uses a whitelist and a schedule to let your phone ring while on silent for people on the whitelist under the Gingerbread update. Still a  few issues. Only 3 people max on the whitelist and it's flaky . If you turn down the volume with the side rocker, it won't work. The calls on the whitelist will not ring. Secondly, it doesn't seem to be reliable as the old program I used under Froyo.


I want to know where the contol is for waking the phone from mute is and change those settings! I don't want mail from a bank telling me my balance at 3am or calls from drunk strangers waking me up. These whitelist programs solve that.


On a positive note.... Lookout Security does wake the phone so you can find it, even if you change the volume from the side control. Obviously the update broke something in most of the programs that control wake volume on command, that were written prior to 2.3.6.
