Pulling pictures off SD card...

I can't believe I cannot figure this out myself right now but how do I pull pictures (or other email downloads) off the SD card?


I would like to stick a few pictures in my gallery and, ultimately, be able to use them as wallpapers...but I can't seem to figure it out.



3 Replies

Short Format:


1. Plug in cable

2. Drop down top Status Bar

3. Select USB Connection >> USB Mass Storage

4. Browse on PC to My Computer

5. Device will show as Storage Card

6. Browse to folder where Videos are store and select files and select copy

7. Browse to location to save files and select paste



Long Format:

1. Intall drivers if not installed already..

2. Plug In device into usb

3. Drop down top status menu

4. Select USB Connection

5. USB Mass Storage

6. Allow drivers to load if not loaded already

7. Open Computer drive on PC

8. Look for Storage Device directory (Usually last drive letter)

9. Open folder

10. Select all image files you want to copy

11. Goto area you want to copy to

12. Pasre

13. Allow time to copy

14. After complete disconnect.

Master - Level 2

To get pics ON/OFF the SD card, the simplist way is to just hook it up via USB to your computer. Then Drag & Drop them out of the folder they're stored in to/fr your PC ... Is that what you're asking to do?  You can also just long-press any picture and from the options that pop-up, select EMAIL, and email them to yourself (if you don't have too many. Bear in mind that the folder on your SD Card that they're in will depend on which APP you are using to take pics. The default is the /DCIM folder.  You can also install Verizon Medie Manager (32 bit version only) or Motorola Media Manager. These are basically programs that work with your MEDIA on your phone - allowing you to move pics, music, and videos around - and to/fr your phone.  There other ways to do this as well. You just need to find which one works best for you.

As far as setting as WALLPAPER --  again, long-press on a picture and one of the options will be SET AS WALLPAPER. 


Good luck.


Master - Level 2

You beat me by a click of my ENTER button Wildman ...  lol
