So many problems, Super Slow, inundated with apps I never use, yet they still run, No Contract, Can I do something about this? Or am I destined to be contracted for the rest of my life?

I just want to own my phone.  I don't like the speed of it after 2 years, if it didn't have so much crap that I never use on it then at least I would know that it is degradation of the hardware and would renew contract and upgrade, but how can I justify that when it is more than likely the system software that is bogging the phone down.  Seriously I have lost all of my photos and videos, numerous times.  Had my 32g sd card wiped (required me to format it after the camera app saved a picture that was corrupt.  Aside from breaking my already broken (removed) phone, what are the downsides?  If I am going to end up renewing either way, why would you not try to salvage the already paid for device?  If verizon is unable to work with me on this should I take my business (customer since 2005, but lost my data plan so not real inclined to stay other than I've had zero problems in that time frame)  I am confused.  I don't want the hassle of having to change carriers, but my fear is that I will not be given an adequate option?  Any light that could be shone down upon this matter would be greatly appreciated.  and sorry, I know this is probably a hot topic (maybe not) but I just want some legit answers and HTC puts the blame square on Verizon.  Thanks

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep


I can understand having a phone that is in good working condition. I am sorry to hear about the SD card getting formatted. I use my phone as my digital camera now days. Have you tried to perform a factory reset on the device to see if that will help with the speed of the phone?

Good news! You can always upgrade to a new phone without having to sign a 2 year contact. We do have the great program that is called EDGE. With this program you would get a brand new device at full retail cost of the phone. But those payments are split up into 24 months. Once you have paid off more than 50% of the phone and had the EDGE for longer than 30 days you can trade in that phone and get a brand new device. You can see the full details on that plan here: Please keep us posted.


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