Pixel 8 Pro with 2 eSIMs - only getting voicemail notifications for one number (Verizon Prepaid)
Enthusiast - Level 1

I've recently converted my two phone numbers to esim (both are prepaid), and they are loaded onto my Pixel 8 Pro (my original thought was just to convert one and leave the other as a physical SIM but the Verizon Customer Service person who helped me converted both). 95% working great - I was able to label each SIM so I know which number is receiving calls, I can choose which number to make calls/texts from, etc. But I'm not getting any voicemail notifications for the 2nd esim - and this is my business line so it's important to know.  I can see when there is a missed call, but have to actually call into the voicemail service to see if a message was left.  There is no icon notification at the top of the screen that there is a voicemail, and the voicemail isn't showing up in the voicemail tab of the phone app.  I've searched through all sorts of menu options, searched various online forums, contacted Verizon (both in person and via chat help) with no solution. Can anyone help?

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

Hello. I'm pretty sure that's just how voicemail works when you have 2 SIM's at once. You will only receive voicemail notifications for one number, the other number will require you to manually check.

Customer Service Rep

Hello! We are sending you a Private Note! 
