Verizon not really supporting Z-Wave devices only those purchased directly from Verizon

It is interesting that I had to wait until after the installation process for Verizon to admit that they do not really support Z-Wave devices.  They only support devices that are purchased from them and they go out of their way to not support Z-Wave devices that you may have already in your home.  This is a huge issue and one that Verizon needs to make clear before they take orders and waste customers time.  They owe me an apology but all I got was a long wait time to talk to tech support and then a simple explanation that Verizon only support devices purchased from Verizon and will not support other Z-wave devices.  Oh well, there goes my idea that Verizon embraced open standards.  Let me know if anyone knows how to get Verizon to allow me to add my exsting hardware since they already took my order and my time.

Why would Verizon take an open standard like Z-wave and then proceed to lock customers to only Verizon devices?  Verizon is locking out any existing investment that its customers have made in Z-wave, this cannot be the honorable thing to do to customers.  The more I think about this the more I am glad that Verizon does not have me in a 1 or 2 year agreement and I can look at alternatives for all my services.

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Contributor - Level 1
If all of us make complaints to this effect it should make an impact. I think at this point they do it so their support people can iron out issues and know exactly what equipment they are working with.