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The new interface is slower than the previous version. The info banner which appears whenever the channel changes has always been annoying and useless. Now it takes up half the screen, always covering what I want to see. This should be optional, or removed entirely.
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I can't help you eliminate the annoying info pop-up entirely. but I can help you
make it go away quicker . . .
You can avoid having to look at the pop-up information box that for whatever reason,
takes up the bottom 1/3 of the screen and stays up for probably
10 seconds - 9 seconds too long -
You can make it go away immediately by hitting the EXIT button.
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From what I understand from the Verizon announcement, there was a big demand for an even more intrusive channel changing message, one that would cover half the screen with a non-transparent window. I for one really have appreciated seeing that instead of the first 15 or so seconds of the program I wanted to watch. On the HD side, many of the same people I think must have been demanding that the screen be blocked entirely by the menu and that the number of entries in the menu be reduced to just a couple. That way, it takes much, much longer to look through the program guide, which gives you plenty of time to enjoy the mostly irrelevant screen. The DVR STB I have has been improved too -- it stopped that often annoying backing up when I hit that "back" button. Now it is like not having a DVR at all, so it is much simpler to use. I don't know if it can yet remember how much disk space it has, but I can't really expect everything.
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I did notice it was slower, and punishing the majority with that massive bar of useless information is just stupid. But it goes further than that. The interface is badly designed in its over-use of light colors, and it has too much wasted space. The Guide page use of color is equally abrasive, and it displays one less channel than it used to. And it has outright bugs, for instance, when you use the arrow to jump a day, you cannot use the double arrow to scroll back from where you ended up to earlier times. It just doesn't move. Also, when paused on a program on the DVR, the giant annoying bar stays there, and no, it is not acceptable to have to press Exit every time to get rid of it - I already know everything its telling me, why is it even there? Also when in Pause, if you go frame by frame with the arrow, that giant box pops up again every frame - who came up with that dumb idea? Probably the same **bleep** who designed the registration process for this site I just suffered from, just horrible. I have been a software designer for 27 years, and this is just poor work.
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I'm on 1.9 and my (<< & >> in 2 hour increments) and the buttons above those (<- & -> in 24 hour increments) work fine.
I verified the buttons worked (forward and reverse) on my 7232 DVR and 7200-P1 boxes. I wonder if you have a 6xxx series box that's causing that particular problem.
I agree that the Info Bar being displayed when a recorded program is paused should default to not display and only display when Info is pressed.
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Yes. Slow and Annoying and LARGE.
Perhaps they could make the banner BIGGER, to completely cover the screen?
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I was looking forward to the 1.9 IMG upgrade, now that I got it late last week, I am disappointed. I have a Motorola QIP 2500-P3 Standard Definition Box (I'm not sure about the model number, but it definitely has a P3 written on it). Before the upgrade, the menu system was snappy and responsive, now it is painfully slow.
There's also an irritating bug that needs to be fixed ASAP. Suppose I'm watching channel 5 and then I hit the guide button on my remote control. I'd expect the guide to start with it showing me the listing for channel 5. Instead, it's starts the guide on an entirely different channel (usually two channels up or down from what I was currently watching).
Finally, I agree with others that the info screen takes up way too much space while watching TV. It needs to be reduced by approx. 1/3 so it's not so intrusive. We should also have an option to choose how long it stays for on the screen.
If you want to keep your customer's happy, the focus on the next maintenance release of the software should not be on adding more features. It should only focus on behind the scenes software optimizations to make the menu as fast as or faster than the pervious version not matter what 1.9 IMG compatible Fiox Box it's installed on.
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Hey Electrick, I've had 1.9 since the beginning of the summer and have the same issues on my 2500 box. It is much slower and if you filter your channels in any way (using favorites, etc.), then it starts up on the wrong channel when you hit the guide button. I don't know what they're doing about the slowness, but it's my guess that there's more processing with this upgrade than the box can handle quickly. As far as the guide issue, I've seen blogs that it is a known issue that will be addressed in the next 1.9 update. Until then, if you view all channels in the guide instead of filtering, it will show up on the correct channel when you hit the guide button. Yeah, not ideal either. So will need to decide between the lesser of the two evils until they fix that part. Otherwise, everything works perfectly on my 7216 box (speed and guide). I really like 1.9 on that one, but it's not so great on the 2500.
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At one time I was astonished at the apparent incompetence of Verizon. The DVR I have from them is so bad that it is almost beyond comprehension that anyone would actually release it to the public. It can't even keep track of its drive space.
The menu on my STB is perhaps a fitting change to make even more annoying something that has always been annoying in the past. I can't imagine what kind of people put this stuff out, what in the world they are thinking. My impression is that they are trying to get rid of as many customers as possible. That would at least imply they knew what they were doing.